Part 4

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You woke up the next morning curdled up next to Paul,who was softly snoring in your ear causing you to smile. The night before had been intense lovemaking between you both, and you were feeling the after effect of soreness as you stretched to get up. Instantly Paul grabbed your waist pulling closer to him.

"Where are you going? It's too early to get up," he grumbled in your ear.

"I have to pee, I'll be right back," you said, trying to pull out of his grasp.

Finally getting him to let go, you took care of your business and stopped in front of the mirror, looking at the bite marks on your chest and neck. Shaking your head, you walked back to the bed.

"Do you know how many bites marks you left on me last night?" you asked

Paul opened one eye to look at you and then at your neck and chest. He was grinning at you before closing his eyes again and pulling you to his chest.

"I didn't hear any complaints last night or you telling me to stop. Though I'm sure mine doesn't look much better." he said squeezing you.

"We look like a bunch of horny teenagers, Paul," you said, slapping his chest.

He rolled you over, so you were positioned above him, taking you by surprise. You quickly went to move away, but he stopped you by grabbing your hips.

"I'm definitely not a teenager anymore, but I am very turned on by my hot girlfriend" he said as he flexed his hips up grinding his growing erection against you.

Moaning out at the friction he had initiated, you bent down, capturing his mouth with yours. Slowly lazy kisses exchanged between the two of you, tongues entangled together. Breaking away from him you moved down to his neck sinking your teeth hard into the side of his neck as you grinded against him. Earning a well-deserved moan from Paul as you smiled against his neck.

Paul flipped you on to your back taking you by surprise as he went back to kissing you again, roughly before you could respond to his action. Slowly feeling his hands run down your body, he lifted your thin white t-shirts, looking you dead in the eye before leaning down and kissing your

stomach causing a shaky gasp to leave your mouth.

" You're so god damn beautiful, Y/N" Paul whispered, moving further down to the hem of your shorts.

Suddenly a cry sounded off from the baby monitor, stopping you both in your tracks. Paul sat up for a moment looking at you and waiting to see if another cry would go off in his son's room.

"Daddy! I want up." Evan cried through the monitor, making Paul groan in frustration.

"you better go get him." you said, pushing Paul off the bed.

"My boy definitely has great timing"Paul groaned, opening the door to walk over to Evans's room.

You sat back down on the bed, listening to both Paul and Evan talk back and forth. The interaction caused you to laugh and venture down memory lane. Paul's relationship with his son reminded you of how your dad had been with you and even your brother, the proud dad, and continually motivating you both to be the best human being you could.

Paul talking down the hall, pulled you from your thoughts as you looked up to see both of them in the door frame looking at you, Paul tilting his head looking at you.

" Evan, can you say good morning to Y/N ?" Paul asked, pointing at you.

Evan laid his head on his dad's shoulder, shyly waving his hand at you. Paul looked at you smiling.

"Good morning Evan, do you want to eat some breakfast and go see the kitty?" you asked as you held out your arms to take him from Paul.

Paul leaned over and kissed the side of your face, and then his son smiling at the both of you.

"We will go make breakfast; you can go shower and then we can make a plan for today. I'd like to get my camera out and venture around" you said, walking out the door.

"Whatever you want Y/N, but I want to finish what we started this morning, so don't try to wear yourself out," he smirked

Turning around and sticking your tongue at Paul before heading toward the kitchen. You put Evan in his highchair with a couple of toys. You quickly fed Maverick, before starting the breakfast for the three of you, pancakes, eggs and bacon. Great comfort food for you back home.

Evan started giggling from his high chair as you looked, noticing Maverick was patting at him from the table next to him. You started laughing at the interaction between the two of them. Feeling hands wrap around your waist, causing you to jump at the contact.

"Damn it Paul, you scared the crap out of me" you said

"I'm, sorry, Y/N, I thought you heard me, can I help with anything? He asked, smirking at you.

"plate the food, I don't know what the little one will eat," you said.

The three of you ate in silence for a few minutes. Paul was feeding Evan as he ate his food simultaneously. You sat back amazed by the interaction between the father and son. You were recognizing what a great man you had chosen to be with.

"Since I don't know the area well, why don't you think of a place we can go, that's fun for all of us and I can get some photos. While I get ready for the day." you said getting up from the table.

"Yes ma'am, I'll get this little monster ready as well," he said, tickling Evan before picking him up.

The three of you took off up the stairs to finish getting ready for the day.


30 minutes later

Paul was pulling up to a park with a hiking trail, both of you getting out and grabbing everything that you had packed for the outing, including a stroller and your camera bag stocked with film and lens.

Paul held Evan, as the three of you walked over to the empty playground. Evan immediately fought to get out of his daddy's arms to play, causing both of you to laugh hysterical.

"Daddy go play, now play," Evan told his dad

"Okay okay, let's go play, you coming Y/N? Paul asked as he sat the boy down.

"Yes, just want to get the camera ready, as long as it's okay for me to snap a few of you to handsome boys," you asked smiling at them both.

"You bet, I need more pictures of him, since he's growing up so fast," he said, going to chase the two-year-old.

You spent the next hour snapping various photos of the two of them around the playground, laughing at Evan's shrieks of excitement as his dad chased him around or caught him coming down the slide. It didn't take long before Paul had successfully worn the boy out.

" I'd say he's going to be asleep for a while, he has way too much energy sometimes," Paul said, smiling at his sleeping son as he placed him in the car seat

You got in the passenger seat, waiting for Paul to take you all home for the day, chuckling at how tired he looked, himself.

" I'm pretty sure all that energy he has, comes from his old man. I've seen guys much younger than you that can't keep up with their toddlers. You both look like you need a nap." you said

"oh, I'm sure we all do. If I remember right someone else in the car didn't get a lot of sleep either last night " Paul winked

Instantly you felt your face heat up from the mention of the events from the night before. Paul is proving your point that he was a basket of energy.

"Anyway, I can't wait to show you these photos, I think you'll like them," you said

"I love you," Paul said softly

"I love you more." you replied

Paul leaned over and kissed you quickly before starting the car and heading back to his house for the day. Another day without chaos and negativity, making you even happier about your decision.

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