Part 7

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You were sitting at the kitchen table feeding Evan when Paul came walking down the stairs, hair sticking all over the place, a lazy grin danced across his face as he padded over to the two of you.

"Good Morning, sleepy-head" You said, continuing to feed the little boy.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, Thank you for taking care of my boy." Paul said, kissing you.

"Eww gross!!" Evan exclaimed at the both of you.

Both of you going into a fit of laughter at the two-year-olds reaction. Paul poured his coffee and grabbed his morning paper. Sitting down next to his son's high chair, leaning down and kissing his head. The room stays quiet for a few moments, as you both focused on your task.

"Yesterday, when Evan and I were out, we stopped by my friend's studio to pick up the pictures you had taken at the park. I gotta say you have some major talent, babe." Paul told you, as he looked up from his paper.

"It's because I had two handsome guys to take photos of. That's why they turned out so great." You replied

"We can always be bad together and take some photos, Y/N" he grinned.

Turning away from Paul as you felt your face heat up and your mind goes south at his idea. Finding an excuse to leave the room, you picked Evan up and headed up the stairs to get him changed for the day. Hearing Paul laughing as you both made your way up the stairs.

"Your dad thinks he's a funny guy, Ev" You said, carrying him to the nursery.

Paul waited until he heard the two of you on the baby monitor before making a quick call to confirm the time the contractor would be arriving so Paul could get you and Evan out of the house without too many questions. His plan to have a darkroom built inside of his studio for you to practice your craft.

Impatiently pacing the kitchen waiting for someone to pick up the phone before you and his son emerge from upstairs. Finally, hearing a voice cut through the line.

"Hey it's Paul, we are leaving in about an hour. Can you be here by then? Great, just call my cell phone when you leave and send all the paperwork to the office. Alright? ." Paul hung up.

He darted up the stairs to get ready for the day, stopping in the doorway, watching you and Evan play. Smiling to himself at how the two of you interacted and how relaxed you seemed being around him. Ideas quickly taking his mind to uncharted territories.

"Are you going to just stand there and daydream all day or tell me what the plan is for the day?" You asked

"Evan, what do you think should we tell Y/N what the plan is for the day?" Paul asked, picking up the boy.

Evan shook his head and placed his finger on his dad's lips, causing you to laugh. The little boy kissing Paul's face before reaching his arms back to you to take him from his dad. Paul mocked being hurt before handing Evan back to you.

"You're really good with him, and he seems to really like you." Paul told you grinning from ear to ear

"Who could blame him?" You replied back with a smirk


45 minutes later

"So since I didn't get to finish showing you more of the area, I thought the three of us could do a little more exploring. How does that sound?" Paul asked, pulling into a parking spot.

You nodded your head in agreement as you both exited the car, Paul grabbing Evan out of his car seat. Paul carried him as he wrapped his free arm around your shoulder, leading you down the sidewalk. He pulled you to a halt in front of the toy store.

"I figured we would buy him something to distract him for a while. There's a camera store down the way I want to take you to. Just to look around and see if there's anything you may need to build your portfolio up or stuff for that fancy camera of yours." Paul told you.

"Paul, you don't have to buy me anything, once I get a job I can start buying that stuff, plus I'll still need a place to develop everything. I'm sure your buddy isn't going to want to develop my stuff all the time. Especially if there are pictures like you were suggesting." You replied back

"You're my girl, and if I want to buy something that you want, I will, Y/N, you deserve to have what you want for a change." He stated sternly.

You held your hands up, smirking at him as you followed behind Evan and him into the toy store. Watching as the little boy instantly started kicking his feet to get down. The pair of you laughing at Evan as he took off running as soon as his dad put him on the ground.

"TOYS!!!" He screamed going straight for the cars

"I take it he knows this store very well." you asked rhetorically.

Paul rolled his eyes as he headed to grab the two-year-old before he tried to destroy the store. You followed behind Paul, laughing hysterically as you found the toddler, Evan's hands full already with cars.

"Look Y/N, CARS" Evan yelled.

"I see that!! That's a lot of cars there, mister, what are you gonna do with all of them?" You asked him

"Play with daddy!"

Thirty minutes later, you all walked out of the store, Paul carrying two bags of toys his son had chosen. Now leading to a toy store of your own, the camera store. You went ahead of Paul going straight to the display showing a Nikon camera that you had wanted for years that would have cost you half of the rent you owned your mother every month.

"Already found something you like, I see? Paul said from behind you.

"This is one of the best on the market right now, but it cost a pretty penny." You shrugged, walking away from the case.

"Show me what you would need to build your portfolio with the equipment you have now." Paul told you.

You spent the next twenty minutes walking around the store, showing him the different lenses and films you could use and the folder that could protect your photos once they were developed. Paul smiled at your enthusiasm as you explained what the benefit would be with the use of the equipment.

"It's so awesome to see you so passionate about this. I've never had a partner that has a love for being creative like I do." Paul smiled at you shyly

"It's something I've always wanted to do, My dad always said I had an eye for capturing my subjects." You shrugged.

You watched as Paul turned around, walking with Evan back to the front of the store returning back with a cart. Immediately you started shaking your head and waving your hands in silent protest. Paul handed Evan a car from his bag before putting his hand up.

"Y/N put the equipment you need in the basket, let me help you with this stuff, and if it makes you feel better you can do a session of the band and I." Paul told you.

You leaned up and kissed him softly before grabbing the things you had shown Paul previously. He focused his attention on Evan, who was starting to get fussy. You glanced up, noticing he was checking his cell phone, something he had done throughout the day. Bringing your thoughts to all the other times, you had received gifts from family that there was an ulterior motive behind it. Clearing your head from the negativity, you walked up to the pair.

"I think this will be good for now, and the little man looks like he's getting hungry and restless" you smiled down at Evan.

"I think we both are starving, and I'm sure you are as well. You take Ev to the car, and I'll finish up here. We can decide on dinner on the way." Paul said before kissing you.

Pulling Evan from his spot in the cart, you both headed to the door. Paul watched to make sure you were both gone before pulling out his phone and quickly dialing a phone number.

"We are done at the store. How quickly can you meet me after I drop them off to go over what we had discussed? Okay, I'll see you in thirty." Paul said, hanging up. 

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