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I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry!!

(Y/n)... wake up please!!!

No DONT take her away from me!

You promised you wouldn't hurt her!"

The room was dark. Frankly I never thought I'd find myself here, in such a Way that I'm the hostage rather than the leader of it all. They won this time I guess, I sighed and then squinted my eyes scrunching my face up at the unpleasant smell. It smelled like my burn room. The one I hurt my sister in at the very beginning of the story, like blood in a warm room just rotting but not so warm to create mould.

I glanced down at my restraints the room was dark and I couldn't see it at all however I felt that it was tight and thin rope that was layered up. So that if I move it's so thin that parts could cut me but also thick so I couldn't easily cut it. I hit my head against the wall behind me just thinking to msyelf where I messed up. What mistake I made. But that wasn't important now, finding motivation wasn't important but getting out was.

My arms were pinned to my back and I was sitting on a chair, so I moved the whole chair away from the wall. Falling onto my back, it was painful but I knew how to get out. The rope was In a knot I didn't recognise by touch so I had to change my approach I flipped the chair onto its side and counted to three in my head building up strength and kicked both of my legs upwards at once breaking the chair leg I was tied to. I slipped the chair leg out of the restraint and my legs were free. I still has the back of the chair attatched to my arms so I slid my arms under me. Bending my legs as I moved so that the rest of the chair couldn't get stuck. I eventually had my hands and the rest of the chair in front of me. So I kicked my restraint off of the chair and tore my wrists free with my teeth. I didn't break the rope I untied it it took a few seconds and wasn't too hard.

I stood from the floor and took one of the wooden legs of the chair and I felt the floor and striked it hard against my shoe which had a blade in the heel. Sparks flew and then I knew they didn't know I had a knife there I smiled and striked it again creating a small fire on the chair which helped me in finding the door which was simple. I opened it and two guards were outside. I grabbed two nerves in their necks both at the same time and they dropped to the floor. I took their weapons and then looked at the camera in the top corner of the room.

"I won't kill you but like, are you the Kims? Or jungs? Or maybe some other dude that thinks they can be better than me? Because I need to know..." I giggled to myself, "I need to know if you're hot or not? Like if you're hot I'll stay have some fun, if not then I'll gladly leave." I walked towards one of the walls and shot into it finding it was just brick which meant I was in the kim family company building, on the -3rd floor. I need to get to the ground floor to escape or go higher to their 13th floor to have fun. I had studied more than they did about the building and knew my way around.

I walked out the door and there were guards so I shot them directly in the head just walking, bored just not caring. I made my way up the floors easily. And I reached the ground floor about to open the door after painting the building red. Then I remembered where I was before I was taken. Seokjins smile made my heart beat faster.

He was nothing but a hostage. It doesn't matter. I opened the door and felt the cold breeze on my cheeks and I turned back suddenly shooting the security camera instantly sparing myself the embarrassment of a blush on my cheeks. I leant on the reception desk and sighed.

"Fuck. Kim Seokjin what have you done to me?" I yelled and walked to the elevator and I killed the two guards there. They seemed shocked, scared even that I was walking that way, they had machine guns and were firing at me. I walked ahead groaning to myself, mumbling "Kim Seokjin fuck you." I sighed and one of the bullets actually nearly hit me as I was getting closer so I shot them both in the leg and dropped them to the floor. Taking their bullets and leaving the guns empty by killing them with the last two each that they hadn't shot that were already in the gun. I stepped into the Elevator and then heard a voice.

"What the hell are you doing (L/N)" it was seokjins father. The boss of the company who seemed afraid. Not afraid of me, but something else that was in power. I emergency stopped the elevator after hearing his wavering voice and climbed out of the top of it. Something was going on and it was tracking me, and it wasn't the Kim's, I heard him scream and a gunshot from above me so I climbed the wire that lifts the elevator and jumped to the top floor. I breathed for a moment and heard seokjin, I heard his struggling, then a laugh, I smiled confident that he had learned from me he had learned to be confident with that charm I learned earlier that day, all the times I was flirty to him.. he learned from me.. I walked towards the door and then my heart stopped.

"I did as you said Mr Park.. shes here.. you were right, she has a sweet spot."

That was the mistake. Trusting him.

Maiden of Mafia - Seokjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now