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I froze. My hand reaching my chest pain feeling as if I was stabbed in the back. I gulped as tears gathered in my eyes.

"One question mr park."

"Did you ever used to love her?"

"No. Never. You?"

"Yeah.. I still do.. I-is she okay? Is she safe-"

I slammed open that door tears falling down my cheeks and I pounced at the man behind the desk. Knocking the chair over my hand around his throat as he struggled. No guards were in the room. Just him and seokjin who jumps back in fear.

"Y-you bastard." I broke down unable to control my body. Squeezing at his neck harder as he tried his best to resist. "I-I loved you."

"I-I thought you killed yourself all This time.. tell me what the fuck did you think you would've gained by doing that?" I sobbed letting go of his neck as I fell off of his body onto my knees while he scrambled to move away. "And all this. What was this for?" I sobbed even harder and stood raising my fist making him flinch. Then I saw in the corner of my eye.

"And you." I turned around and punched him in the chest knocking him back. "I-I fell for you too.. why... why did I ever think.. I could Ever have someone." I raised my fist and punched him again, this time my arm not doing as much damage and tears rose in his eyes.

My arms were restricted and I was pinned to the chair once again tears streaming down my face.

"I guess it was a surprise when I saw you at that party. You were right on our backs. I thought you realised the truth." Park jimin sat on the desk I was behind. I looked up into his eyes, they were bloodshot and he had red marks around his neck from when I strangled him a moment ago. "I knew I wanted you again. Not because I genuinely wanted you. But for the company." He chuckled, "I was planning to rush downstairs and save you from the guards and be your hero so you'd fall for me again. But you've killed them all." I shrugged and looked over at seokjin. "I convinced him when I found out your company had taken him in. Taehyung helped with that."

"Never thought Taehyung was the traitor type." I sighed and looked over at seokjin. "All of that was nothing. None of it was real?" My heart started to break, of course I was hurt by jimin, but for some reason this feeling of pain was stronger for seokjin.

Jimin stood and walked over to him shrugged and sighed leaving the room "I have to pee." And he left. Seokjin stared at me his dark brown eyes begging for forgiveness without words.

"He said something to me."

Seokjin sniffled.

"'Let's be the bad guys.' He said"

"I-I don't want to be the bad guy."

Seokjin walked over to me and untied me from the chair, but my body didn't move, what was the point anyway? Wasn't this still part of his plan?

Seokjin took my cheeks and kissed my lips making my eyes grow wide. "I love you and I don't want you getting hurt. I don't want to be the bad guy, I don't want to hurt the person I love." He took my waist and lifted me as my body grew motivated.

"I called Jungkook and he's on his way. Well get out of here." I chuckled.

"Do you really think I'll just trust you because you suddenly became the superhero rather than the villain. This isn't a game seokjin." I yelled dropping out of his arms as he flinched at my words, "this is real life god damn it. My ex boyfriend killed himself? But no he's alive he just did that to get away from me?" I spoke hysterically starting to laugh at the irony, "one person I start to trust again since his death and it just turns out your one of his minions. Using me, gaining my trust." I laughed and then sat back on the chair pushing it away from his desk, "I guess this is quite exciting huh? Like a game? A silly little game of hero's and villains. I guess then I'm the princess the god damn prize for the hero to claim. The bride broken by both grooms, once told no at the alter."  

I looked out of the window, seeing how high up I was. "I'm not an object to be used. I'm real right? Not just some porcelain doll you can break and superglue the pieces back together."

"You're right.. you're not-"

"Tell me. Why should I trust you?"

"Because I love you."

"That's a pathetic reason. Give me one good reason I should trust you right now".

He stayed silent, I heard a knock of the window behind me and saw Jungkook holding onto a grappling hook tapping on the window. I looked at him and opened the window. "(Y/n).." seokjin called my name and Jungkook reached his hand out to help him.

"No kook. He's a traitor. Let's leave." He heard the pain in my voice and dropped us down seokjin running to the window and staring at us step into namjoons car and drive away.

"Fuck." He mumbled.

"Fuck." I cried into jungkooks arms.

"She's gone.. forever.." he cried.

"He's gone.. forever." I broke.

Maiden of Mafia - Seokjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now