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Jungkooks POV

I was escorted quite harshly by the two body guards that were assigned to Miss (L/n). I didn't struggle against them but they still seemed to be harsh. I was then quickly thrown into the elevator and told to press floor number 6. And I did so following the orders, very obviously practiced by many many people here.

I pressed the button gently with my finger and stare up at the ceiling of the elevator. There was a small camera, I smile to myself and wave at it goofily. "Get on with it Jeon." A voice echoed through the elevator. "W-What?" I stutter with confusion, "the camera dumbass." I look back up at the small camera and my mouth reaches into the shape of an 'O'. it was Miss (L/n) talking. The elevator arrives at floor 6  and I step out into the room full of people sitting at their desks writing formally. I was extremely confused. This was a mafia right? I didn't actually just walk into an office. I step through into the room until speakers started to sound her voice once again.

"This is Mr Jeon. His on his first night mission. You know what to do." This really WAS rehearsed. I chuckle nervously, waving at all the people  now staring over at me. I gulp nervously and take another step forward. Within seconds I was swarmed with people that whispered encouraging words, yet they seemed threatening. "Haha okay.." I mumble, feeling my throat dry within seconds as I tried to gulp once again.

"This way Mr Jeon." Someone in a white uniform instructed me. I follow, the man was taller than me and had thin white hair. he was young too, but still older than me. His eyes were a dark brown. He smiled gently and showed two deep dimples  in his cheeks. I smile back at the comforting glare and walk into a small closet. "Here's the weapons room. Made for new employees. Choose two and they're what you have for the rest of your time here." The man said seriously, his voice was so calm and assuring, "I'm Namjoon."
"Why are you telling me your name?" I ask curiously this isn't usually what happens in a workplace like this, and I was curious as to why he was being so overly kind. The man turned on the light of the closet to reveal every single type of gun and melee weapon to ever exist.

I stared in amazement. "Well I always tell the new recruits my name in hope they survive and remember me the next day." I picked up a beautiful looking gun.
"that's very rare recently...." he continued.
Though it was a classic ordinary pistol, it seemed to resonate with me. So I pocketed it and moved on to look at other more efficient weapons to use in missions I had taken part of before. I didn't even listen to the man (supposedly named 'namjoon') properly due to the surprise of EVERY WEAPON in such a SMALL CLOSET.

I picked up a pair of Kama's. A taekwondo type weapon that I had been professionally trained in. "You'll need this." Namjoon gave me a belt with a pocket for each weapon I choose there were three cuffs. One for my pistol, and one each for each Kama sword(shall I call it).

"Your mission starts as soon as you put this earpiece in. And I suggest NOW while the suns disappeared from the sky. She gives everyone the same mission, and they take their time. If I were you, I'd get it over and done with in the dark." Namjoon said, I nod simply, nervousness filling my whole body as I shove the small earpiece into my ear.

"Ah an early starter are you?" Her voice charmed, "I guess so?" I reply confidently as Namjoon head out of the room, leading me towards where I was to go. "Why did you come to my office at sunset anyway?" She asked curiously, I didn't really have a reply other than "it's the only time I had today." With a small shrug.

"I see you've met Namjoon." She said with a smirk that was heard through a small chuckle, "Oh I kinda hope his words are true." she mumbled,
"What words?"
"I mean I hope you survive idiot." She said. For a person like her this was extremely unexpected, and my jaw was left slightly parted as I heard a small chuckle down the line, "you're hot that's all." She flirted, "I see you through the cameras." Shivers were sent down my spine at her gentle and careful voice.

"Okay. Mission time. Someone named Beomgyu will take you to a house. One you will recognise. And I need you to take anyone in there hostage." I nod listening closely to every word she said, she was very serious about this, "don't worry if you go wrong, it is Only a drill, but try to get everything right. Because if you DO go wrong, you WILL be killed, but on MY behalf rather than any possible enemy." I gulped painfully with my still bone dry throat, "Oh and darling. You have no idea how harsh things can get." She whispered. My teeth starting to chatter out of nervousness as my whole body shook in fear.

Why was I so afraid, I've done this all before? I guess it was just the fear of not being good enough for the BEST mafia gang to ever exist. I sigh heading down to floor 3 once again and out the main doors with Namjoon and  My new leader miss (L/n) in my ear. "Hello you must be Mr Jeon." Everyone was so formal around here. It was extremely professional. "Yes." I turn towards Namjoon, "thank you for your help." I smile, Namjoon frowned, "not another nice one (y/n)." He mumbled, (y/n)? Who's (y/n)? I question to myself.

I step into the car that was in front of me. And Beomgyu started to drive away. "This is a simple set up of the Kim family's house." Miss (L/n) stayed quickly in my ear as we pulled up towards a large mansion, it was only 20 minutes away. "Treat it as if it's real." She said harshly.
"Alright. What's the mission again? Just in more detail." I ask carefully as to not seem TOO stupid for this woman's picky liking. "Go inside, stay low, don't use weapons unless needed, take one of the family members. The actors. Hostage, then head back out to the car without being seen." She explains, "this is more of a spy mission." I state with a smile as Beomgyu handed me a handkerchief soaked with chloroform on it to knock out the hostage when I retrieve them. "Yes, a simple one for a first time job." She mumbled with a small giggle. "Just don't let them shoot your pretty face." She begged with a Flirt. I smile to myself slowly walking up towards the house. "Don't worry. This face will never be shot." I flirt back and hear her proud giggle.

"Come on sweetheart, what's your first move?" She teased, "sneak in through one of the second floor windows and take hostage the person in the room I land in." I explain, She hummed as I crawled up one of the drainpipes, As silent as I could ever be. I was seriously treating this like it was a real mission. I was serious about getting this job. "Are any of these actors awake?" I ask staring into the window. It was slightly open at the top so I could reach my hand through and open the bigger window so I could fit myself in. "Nope." She mumbled, "one of them get easily startled though. So just beg you don't land in their room." I stood quietly on the floor staring around me noticing my surroundings.

I landed in a bedroom. A seemingly fancy one. There was someone doing their hair in the mirror. "You said they were meant to be asleep?" I whisper, hiding myself into the darkness. "They are... oh they're so getting fired. Go on with the mission. Take whoever's awake then leave. We only need one. Leave no trace." She seemed serious about this, EXTREMELY serious.

I hum to myself quietly just walking up towards the man who was combing his hair. I put my hand on his shoulder and "tsk tsk tsk. Why are you up so late? Isn't is past your bedtime?" I ask cockily as the figure tried to scream for help. I grab my handkerchief and cover his mouth and nose as he tried to struggle. But nope, he was out within seconds. "Did you get one?" She asked,
"Yup." I reply happily, "throw em out the window, unless it's a pretty one then I'll get Beomgyu to lower them gently out." She said cockily.

I roll my eyes at her flirty nature and examine the mans face, "what's your preference?" I ask her,
"I'm not bothered, but men are my favourite to play with." She charmed,
"Well he's a guy, and he looks like a model." I mumble gently throwing him over my shoulder. I open the window wider than before and start to climb out and down the drainpipe. "My favourite." She chuckled evilly. I close the window to how it was before and crawl with the man on my back towards the car. Beomgyu helped me with the limp man and told me to get in.

"Well done." Her voice charmed again, "most people die on their first night." She chuckled,
"Oh also, that wasn't fake, so you better not have left ANY trace or I'll be found out." She said, for a moment I thought she was joking and chuckled with a "don't worry I didn't." But a few seconds later she whispered a little "are you sure..?" I remember my surroundings back in the room. And I remember how I left it. They were the same other than the man being missing. "I didn't." I believed it was serious now.

Beomgyu smiled, "well done. Namjoon will be happy to see someone finally survive their first night."

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