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Your POV

"Just down here-"
"I know my way around your offices-"
"I keep forgetting, apologise" I joke around with Yoongi as he kept his gun close. Yeonjun stood outside the hostages door and opened it as I walked near. He had a smile. Which was strange.

The Kim stood and ran to hug me instantly. "Woah what the fuck-" Yoongi pushes him away from me before he could even embrace me, Yoongi was aggressive but I hold him back as soon as he cocks his gun, "Y-Youre alive! You're not dead!! B-but my brother, is he?"
"He's dead, tell me everything you can or I'll-" I cut off Yoongi quickly by elbowing him in the balls as hard as possible which caused him to drop to the floor. "He's dead? FINALLY THAT ASSHOLE!" He seemed excited which seemed to make me smile. I was somewhat proud of this hostage despite never actually talking to him often or getting to know him because he's useless with information. "That's Mr Moon. An old friend of mine, he's very threatening. As am I. But I've told him that as long as you co-operate with us and do as we stay will treat you kindly... he just needs a bit of common sense and a lesson on kindness." The Kim giggled as did I, our eyes locking for some cliché reason.

It made me swoon. It made me want to sit next to him and question him all day, not to find information, but more as to get to know him better. He seemed sweet and innocent, yet he was beautiful and could do with a little training to seem HOT intentionally, if he gets that down I'll set him free on the spot.

"Any info you need b-because I'll tell you everything now my brothers gone.." he said simply, "I hate my company, I hate my family, he just had a tracker and he could hear everything we said and-"
"Wait a tracker and a hearing device?" Yoongi stood with a groan, pointing his gun towards the Kim, I put my hand over the tip of the gun and push it down towards the ground. "Could the other Kim's hear you?" I ask quietly, getting closer to him, he stuttered to speak but nothing come out, "tell us." Yoongi instructed,
"N-no just him.." Seokjin said honestly tearing up out of fear that me and Yoongi were getting so close to him in an aggressive manner.

"Pathetic. Reduce his food or something." Yoongi advised, was it a coincidence we were thinking the same thing, "why the fuck didn't you tell us?" I snap suddenly. Causing him to tremble.

"Yoongi escort yourself out.. I want a moment alone." You mumble.
"Sure." He giggled taking his gun and his extremely damaged balls and leaving the room. I shut the door behind him.

"We could've revealed anything.. you should've told us.." I whisper drawing closer to the Kim.
"I-I know im sorry.." the Kim mumbled, he was crying... what is this fucking feeling? It's horrible? Why do I feel guilty for making this man cry?

"You're working here now sweetheart. As a fucking maid. You're not getting fed unless you do your job right. Got. it. Baby?" I grit my teeth. Opening the cells door with pure force despite it locking itself. The Kim gasped in fear. "Choi, take him to Namjoon.. that's IF Namjoon isn't hurt. Bring his brother in here."
"He's not dead-?"
"I need him for ACTUAL information.. not just opinions of your company. Kim." I stare over my shoulder and into his eyes they were still crying as he stood himself up to follow Yeonjun to get his uniform.

"Miss (Y/n)!" Jungkook ran in my direction. His hair bouncing as his fake smile slowly fades seeing my mood that somehow matched his. "What Jeon?" Jungkook frowned,
"The new Kim... he's... dead."
"Fucking wonderful." I groan loudly walking to my office as Jungkook just slowly trails behind me. Yoongi completely missing probably in the kitchen or bothering Namjoon with the Kim.

I stared at the hostages files on my desk and send them off to all members of my facility. Attaching a message saying he's working here now but if anything sneaky happens then to alert me no matter how small. "Sneaky boi." Jungkook giggled, "shut up for a minute... I need to think." I sigh.

"I just lost a Kim. The other one is fucking useless so I made him a slave. Yoongi is nowhere to be found. The kims have an advantage on us now because they know that this building is in fact where the mafia is held.. it is a definite that they had eyes on him as he came here on a mission. Everyone's tied up and no ones untying them currently so technically we could be ambushed right now..." I groan to myself and Jungkook sat across the desk from me. Staring into my eyes as I sigh. "I'm such a dumbass thinking I could do this.." I sigh. My chest hurting as I started to have doubts on myself.

This is basically impossible. Yes we are the second biggest mafia as well as the second biggest company in the world too, we just aren't prepared. I wanted to be the biggest but this is turning on me in the worst possible direction.

I cover my face with one of my hands and sigh, tears wanting to fall from my eyes but not one making their way out because I had to stay strong, the tears leaving my eyes glassy. All of a sudden I feel a hand on mine it was warm and gentle and sincere. Jungkook pushes his hair behind his ear.

"When I signed that contract to you. I may have signed it just to work here. But I like to think of it as some sort of commitment to you. I promise to be here for you. Even if the company falls, even if you can't pay me anymore, even if you die. I will be here for you and with you through it all. As your personal assistant. A coworker. But most importantly, as a friend."

His gentle voice calmed my spine. Making me smile. "Oh you're such an idiot kookie.."
"Woah. You called me Kookie?? Does that mean I can call you (y/n)?" Jungkook said with the brightest smile, "you do that anyway." I rolled my eyes at the statement and chuckle as his hair Falls over his eyes.

"Can I know more about you..?" Jungkook asked with a curious glare. I sighed and shook my head "no one here knows about me other than Yoongi. Namjoon knows of my past achievements but that's because he's worked here so long. He doesn't know ME." It's just how I run this company, who knows who could be a spy?

I shrug and Jungkook nodded understanding me clearly. I then got a buzz on my speaker system next to me and someone started to speak through the mic. "The Kim is all dressed and ready. Want me to send him up?" Namjoon giggled,
"Why are you laughing?" I reply,
"He hates the suit." Namjoon laughed even more, I simply just giggled at Namjoons adorable and dry humour and then continued to speak. "Send him up, with his first job. Tell him to bring me a bottle of red whine and two glasses, one for me and Jeon. And some toast. I haven't eaten in two days." I lean back in my chair and Namjoon buzzed off.

Jungkook stared into my eyes. "Because I'm your personal assistant.." he started with a nervous stance but a confident question. "Can I have a desk in here.. please. Since my job is to protect you as well as work for you and do jobs around the facility." He begged kindly. I just shrugged.
"I mean it would do no harm but I do like being alone sometimes." I speak,
"You like being alone ALL the time. You just tolerate me because I'm hot." He chuckled.
I couldn't help but laugh too, it was true. He knew exactly what my mind was thinking.
"That's true sweetheart." I flirt.

*knock knock*
The Kim is here!

Maiden of Mafia - Seokjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now