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He was tall and thin, his eyes sparkling with amazement at the large reception we had, his eyes gave off some form of joy, the menacing kind that I feel when I murder my most hated victims. His hair was swiped back into a low man bun that only just revealed dangling Rich silver earrings hanging from his earlobes. He wore a black suit much like my employees, but the only difference was the white shirt and red tie. He seemed spontaneous and just OUT THERE, but also serious about the job.

"Hello, you must be Miss (L/n)." He addressed me formally, holding his blazer tight into his stomach as he bowed in my prescience. He smiled faintly as he repositioned himself. He had a few beads of sweat on his forehead, his eyes were shifty, his hands were shaking, and his legs quivered. "Yes, and you are?" I gesture my hand towards him, indicating him to state his name.

"I'm addressed as Mr Jeon, but you could call me Jungkook. It's all your choice of preference." I tilt my head at his name, it's recognisable, I believe I was in his grade in high school, before I dropped out and went straight to college with family due to  connections. Ugh the only reason I've succeeded is because of connections with family. Well, until I disappeared. "And why are you here Mr Jeon?" I ask kindly as my guards started to scan his figure to check if he was armed. "I heard about this company, and I wanted to work here." He said confidently, but he didn't seem that way.

"And you think you can just get the job?" I speak up, intimidating him to see if he realised what he was getting himself into. "Obviously not, but I believe I have a chance." He said nodding his head over at me, "and why are you here right now? Why didn't you book an appointment?" One of my security guards speak up a question I was thinking. "Well I wanted to ask personally rather than you judging me by rumour through files. Plus I know what this company... REALLY is. And I believe I have the ability to work with what the company gives in reality." He says with a menacing smile.

"Come with me." I say simply, my guards looking surprised by my sudden action. "Yes Ma'am." He bowed following me towards the elevator. I scan the buttons and my guards press number 10. Where my office was located. I nod at them telling them their predictions were correct before turning towards Jungkook. "Tell me what you know?" I ask hearing a gentle rumble from the elevator as it started to move upwards towards the 10th floor.
"I know this is secretly a mafia company, and I know about the rivalry with the Kim family." He said simply as the elevator door opened. I nodded stepping out and heading over towards my office at the end of a long hallway full of pictures of my past victims creepily and classically with their eyes crossed out by spray paint.

"You two, head downstairs and request for my sisters portrait to be hung up within the next 24 hours." I instruct my guards. They nod a simple yes and swiftly head downstairs. "You, come with me." I lead him into my office. He seemed afraid by the request of my SISTER being in the wall, he obviously knew that these were victims of mine.

I sat down on my black leather chair and logged into my computer. I opened a file document of any harsh rivalry companies and none of the faces match this young man. So I dismiss the weary feeling and lean back in my chair. "Tell me about yourself." I state, crossing my arms and staring into his sparkly brown eyes.

"Well you know my name is Jeon Jungkook. But I am 22, I used To take taekwondo all through high school, Ive been trained to use a gun professionally by my father, who was a cop. I used to work for the Choi family but ever since they were taken over I've been looking for a job. And you're the top of the mafia league, and I believe I can help get you even higher, to the point no one can ever overtake you." He said confidently, slamming his hands on my desk and raising himself for dramatic effect. He also addressed the company as 'mine', he's learning, and fast.

"Well technically I shouldn't hire you because of past connections with rival companies. But you're hot and you're experienced so it's a yes." I said with a straight face handing him a paper, the construct to work here, Mr Jeon smiled happily at me quickly signing his name at the bottom of the contract, "alright, thank you Miss (L/n). When do I start?" He asked kindly.

That's when a grin grew onto my face. A large and happy one. One that could kill men from a mile away, his face showed slight fear when I stood up asserting myself in his close vision making him focus his eyes on me and ME only.

"Tonight." I nod past him as my two guards enter my office. They stood by the door and lifted the young man from his nervous stance in front of my desk. "Take him away, he's hired."
"H-Hey! Where are they taking me?" He asked with confidence showing in his eyes, yet fear showing in his voice, "to your first mission!" I shouted with a smile.

If he survives this.
He's in.
If not, then that's not my problem.

Maiden of Mafia - Seokjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now