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Your POV

I stood in reception for the first time with a smile and not looking for bad news. This time actually excited for the new employee Jungkook to arrive back at the offices. I've been repeatedly sending new recruits to the Kim house for months, upon months, upon months to take someone hostage, ANYONE hostage, purely just to find information about the company's next moves so I can foil the plans and get there first. So far everyones either died or have been fired due to being cocky or too loud or have been caught in the operation and taken by the Kims.

And then there's Jungkook.... Well....
He completed the job, it's as simple as that, he completed what I told him to do. He actually came back to the offices with someone hostage.
I do NOT regret hiring him at all. I might even make him my personal assistant, to help me on personal missions. And he completed the mission with such short time too?
That's impressive.
Even for my standards.

I smile widely as I see a black car with blacked out windows pull up outside the main doors. I clap my hands excitedly jumping up and down for a moment as Namjoon walked Into reception.
"Did another one die? Is that why you're so excited?" He joked with me with a serious tone to keep things professional since other employees were around. Me and Namjoon are good friends, He's been working here since the whole mafia started. "No, he succeeded, and left without a scratch or trace!" I said full of excitement. Namjoon smiles at me happy to finally see me truly smile. He chuckled as I point for him to open the main doors and to help with the hostage being taken in.

The hostage had a bag over his head to hide his face if he woke up on the drive to the offices so he was oblivious on where he was going. Namjoon held the limp, passed out man bridal style and took him away, "floor 8 Namjoon." I state formally, "The cellars? You're being nice with this one?" He joked,
"he looks hot, I wouldn't want his beautiful face to be hurt would I?" I flirt happily with Namjoon giggling at the stupidity of my flirting.

Jungkook bowed at me as a formal greeting,
"Miss (L/n)." He said. My head started to get distracted as I started to think about the whole situation. Everything to do with this new recruit, this new member of faculty.

He would love to meet Jungkook wouldn't he?
I think suddenly. My old friend, someone just as spontaneous and talented as Jungkook.

"Beomgyu contact Moon." I mumble over at the man in the same matching uniform as every other person here, other than caterers or maids like Namjoon or those girls supposedly still cleaning the mess of that room I melted my sister in earlier. Oh and Jungkook, I haven't given him uniform yet.

"Moon?" Jungkook asked following me as I walk off towards my beloved elevator. "Yes. He's no one You need to know about..." I start.

"Yet." I mumble towards him.

Moon was one of my best friends. No his name wasn't actually moon, but he's the person who helped me get into this job. He's also someone I grew up alongside and he understands the reason I 'disappeared' I actually 'disappeared' to his house. I worked with his small company.

He's a sniper, and he only works at night. It's cringe that we have each other nicknames, but it makes everyone else wonder and seeing the same confused face every time is always hilarious. His name is moon, and my name is Wolf. You see I'm the leader of this pack, I lead operations, I help my teammates to the top, I'm as silent as a mouse but as powerful as a lion.

"Where are we going? Am I getting another mission already?" Jungkook asked eagerly.
"No. You're getting a promotion." I state simply, I'll probably regret this, or not, he actually SUCCEEDED an almost impossible mission. I'm quite proud of his work.... okay I'm REALLY proud but that's besides the point. "Oh I-I am?" He asked with a large smile, his hands reaching out to me, slightly shaking due to nervousness, but he pulled his hand close to his body again to hide the shake and continued to follow me. "Yeah." I reply again as we head up towards my office on the 10th floor.

I head into my office and Jungkook sat at the chair opposite me, once again in the same night. Things move fast don't they? "So you're promoted to my personal assistant." His face dropped from a nervous smile so a surprised and fed up frown,
"I have to do files?"
"Not only that but you come on extremely difficult missions with yours truly." I paused suddenly deciding to add in one of my favourite things to do, "oh and you have to put up with my flirting much more." I reach my hand across the table and gently stroke his fingers seductively biting my lip to tease him, he gulped harshly and breathed heavily, "I-I mean I can handle the first two..." I laughed hysterically which caused him to frown, "I'm kidding... or am I?" I wink at him gently and he chuckled nervously.

A man walked into the room, one of who I recognise. He was tall and had dark silverish brown hair. He guards the cellars and hostages and prisoners, his name is Kim Taehyung. Sometimes we use him as a spy to visit the Kim family because of his last name being KIM. Though Namjoons last name is also Kim, he doesn't go on missions, he just cleans the place.

"The hostage is awake. And he's asking where he is. What do I tell him?" He asks, his deep voice charming my soul, "tell him I'll be down." I mumble under my breath with a large smile, "literally just say 'she'll be down in a minute' leave him on the edge of his seat." Jungkook interrupted, "-Bed. There's only a bed and toilet in there." Taehyung smiles at me, mumbling back to Jungkook with a gentle chuckle, they'll get along well.

"Yeah. Do that." I chuckle. Taehyung nodded at me and left the room, Jungkook suddenly turned towards me, "you seem less tense. More carefree." He stated, I think to myself, "I guess I am, ive finally caught someone hostage from that god damn rival family." I laugh happily and Jungkook smiles full of confidence and pride. "I never caught your real name?" He asked suddenly, I thought to myself, though I prefer to be called by my last name, I guess he could know my first name for unknown and irrelevant purposes.
"I'm (y/n)." I say simply before leaning back in my chair with my hands behind my head.

"That's such a beautiful name." He said happily, I blushed with a smile, "yeah yeah get on with it. We've got a hostage to tease." I stand from my seat heading towards my door. "-Oh and not to mention flirt with." Jungkook added onto my statement. Me and him were going to be great partners.

Now it's time for the hostage.

Maiden of Mafia - Seokjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now