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The room was dark to the point you couldn't even see a thing. Other than me of course, I'm used to being in darkness. The atmosphere was Gloomy, extremely humid, you were sweating even if you weren't tied up to a chair, it was cold, freezing, but it's humidity kept the room at a steady pace. It was so hard to breathe or even move at all. But I had to cope with all this trouble and pain, this is what I had to live with, it was my job, and a job I loved more than anything in the world.

Her body started to shake ahead of me desperate to escape from her bonded state and her visionless struggle. She must've only just woken from her deep, deep trance I had put her in. Or well, my assistant had put her in earlier today.

He whacked her around the head with a baseball bat. Simple, but it works.

I walk over to her Slowly, my boots hitting the cold, metal, floor, echoing through the small cold (yet still humid, and uncomfortable) room. The struggling body getting clearer and clearer as I moved forwards towards her. Hearing her cries in pain. Those cuffs must've been too tight on her pretty little wrists.

Her body was tied to my favourite yes horrible chair, obviously I would never sit on such a thing, but I still loved it like I would. It was sharp and cold (also metal like the rest of this room) and constantly wobbling left and right, a slightly uneven leg which was extremely annoying even just for me to look at. I roll my eyes at the figure and kick the chair over onto its side. The girl whimpered loudly in fear, and it made me smile.

"W-who are you?" She mumbled, how disgusting. The duct tape must've gotten off of her beautiful gentle lips. "Oh you're awake?" I knew that, it was just for dramatic effect to lure her into my kind tone. "No shit Sherlock." She sassed at me, she must've recognised my voice. Everyone knows my voice, "you've been missing for months... I was glad you were gone." She added onto her last statement. And it filled me with rage. I pull the chair up sharply causing her to whimper. "Oh sweetheart, you have no idea how much i could do to you right now." I push the chair across the room with a swift and fast kick of my right leg, causing her to whack her head harshly on the metal wall. She started to choke on the bag that covered her face, but she caught her breathing again slightly, still coughing from the near death experience. "Suffocate, I don't care."

I head out of the room quickly with four echoes rippling throughly the room with each step I took. I shut the door swiftly and moved to quickly start turning the thermostat up to the highest it can reach. I started staring through a small glass window as my employees stood around me, also staring through this small hole at the horrible figure. Within moments her struggled screams turned painful as blisters were physically seen on her ankles. The room was heating up, and fast.The plastic bag thrown over her head stared to FINALLY suffocate her.

She was my sister after all.
She deserved what pain she got.

"That's all for today, you can go home to your families or lonely lives or whatever." I wave my hand gently and elegantly, showing my black tattoos spread up my right arm as my loose black sleeve rolled up towards my shoulder when I raised my arm.

Everyone stood silently slowly shifting towards the door. "I said fuck off will ya!" I shout menacingly. They weren't used to such a kind gesture I usually tell em to go away and find other work to do, or tell them to piss off, but I felt happy today now the main source of my pain has been removed. I guess a little 'fuck off' was the only way to get rid of them after all. I just wanted to watch my little sister die in pain alone.

She bullied me when I was younger. She treated me like shit then said I could do NOTHING about it, which was half true. I was the oldest of my siblings and I got the blame for everything she did. She killed my dog just because she didn't like how big it had grown, it was a little poodle that was only 10 months old. So today I covered her face with a thin black bag, because I didn't like how big her nose had gotten.

I chuckle to myself, proud at my work.

Honestly, not even a year ago did I believe I was going to have a job like this with such power and control I was in college not long ago. I never even imagined to be part of a thing like this at all, I used to fear these companies and gangs, I grew up to be that way...
I never thought I'd be the LEADER of one.

"Miss (L/n)?" A familiar voice mumbled as I stood, staring at my sisters body slowly melt onto the floor as arteries burst and squirted blood around the now boiling hot room. I sigh turning my head away from the pleasant torture scene created by myself. "Yes?" I ask turning my head towards the character in a black suit, black shirt and white tie, the classic uniform in our building. He flinched slightly when I smiled at him he obviously thought I was going to shout or tell him to fuck off again. "You have a visitor." He nodded nervously, "he's at reception. When you're done with your sister he requested a conversation with you." I nod at the man and he scampered away, afraid of me.

I giggle menacingly, turning the thermostat back to normal heat, letting the dead, rotten, blood soaked figure of my sister lie dead and motionless, well other than the twitching eyelids and fingers of course. "Maids!" I call, "Clear this up when the room cools down!" Three maids wearing a white dress rushed into the room with a mop and bucket and a few containers for all her body parts, "we wouldn't want you being hurt by the temperature would we." They stood in a line and all nodded in unison, I drop my smile and walk out of the room.

"I love this job but I hate the faces who work here. We need someone more good looking and appealing, so I could have a little fun fucking up their faces when I send them on my stupid pointless missions." I talk to myself as guards follow me as to make sure no one was to hurt me. I sigh, "you understand what I mean don't you Mr Lee?" I turn towards one of the guards and he nods gently agreeing to my statement.

"I need someone strong but efficient, and good looking too. That's good at their job, and understand what it means to WIN-" the elevators open towards the reception, revealing the visitor.

"And he's perfect." I smile to myself.

Maiden of Mafia - Seokjin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now