Psychotic Love (#3)

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Yep. We're doing a part 3, baby! Whoop whoop!
Thank you to 'ThatDracoMalfoyfan' for the idea!

(Y/N)'s POV:

Ever since that night with Draco, not only has he forgiven me but he's also gotten a lot closer to me. It's starting to feel like how we were before...well, the incident involving Greengrass.

Draco and I have been spending a lot of quality time together. When he doesn't have his tongue down my throat, he is always doing the most sweetest things for me. He recently grew back his entire garden full of beautiful scarlet roses and hand picked a few to present as a bouquet to me.

He willingly took me shopping at Diagon Alley and spoiled me with all my favourite sweets, albeit I was surprised he even remembered. Not to mention the nights he snuck into my room claiming he was "scared" as an excuse to cuddle in bed with me.

And if I'm being honest, I don't mind at all. This is what I've always wanted from him and I'm finally getting it. Sure I had my doubts at first, but when I overheard his conversation with my sister one night, there was no denying it.


"Liz, I told you. What happened between us that night was a mistake," Draco said. "I didn't mean to lead you on like that."

"But Dracy. You can't deny you didn't have a good time," my sister said, trailing her fingers up his arm seductively.

Draco smacked them away, a displeased look masked on his chiseled face. "No, Liz. It-It was all in the heat of the moment. I want you to leave me be and never mention this again."

She swallowed thickly before scoffing. "Fine."

~End of Flashback~

I have fallen for Draco Malfoy. Again.

And something is telling me this time is going to be different. This time, maybe we could actually work. I was heart broken that night I caught him cheating on me. But...people change. Malfoy certainly has.

My (E/C) orbs trail over the blonde's figure as I let my mind drift to the night we spent in his room. I'm feeling the familiar hoard of butterflies tickling my stomach like from when he was mine. From when we were inseparable.

Now we're sitting in my room with me hiding behind a book while my gaze locks onto Draco. It's like my whole dark, stone-faced persona crumbles into dust as soon as his eyes catch mine. "Enjoying the view?"

I roll my eyes at him, trying to hide the rose shade creeping onto my cheeks. "Shut it, Malfoy," I mumble under my breath.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"Have you ever thought about maybe..." Draco trails off.

"Maybe...?" I urge him.

"Gettingbacktogether?" he blurts out.


He takes in a deep breath. "What if we gave us another shot?"

I stare at him, blinking my eyes in disbelief. My tongue swipes over my dry lips, wetting them. "Do you...want to?"

At this, he gets to his feet, making his way toward me. He crouches just mere inches away from me, his cold minty breath fanning my face. Draco's slender fingers raise to cup my cheek, his family ring stinging cold against my skin.

Looking deep into my eyes, he whispers, "I still love you, (Y/N)."

My jaw falls limp, the cogs in my mind racing to process this new information. "Y-You do?" His hand mimicks the other, now firmly holding my face in his soft palms.

"Yes. I've never been more sure of anything in my life, darling," Draco reassures me.

I whip my head away, breaking my gaze from his sharp orbs. "How do I know you're not just going to break my heart like last time?" I have to know.

The boy turns my head back his way, my eyes fixated on the serpent broche on his expensive black tie. "Look at me, love." His voice is deadly calm. I slowly lift my gaze to lock eyes with him.

"I loath myself for what I did. When I heard I was to be wed to Greengrass, the guilt stabbed me till I bled tears." I search his eyes for any sign at all of deceit. But the words he's saying are pure. "I love you. I always knew I did. And I know I always will."

In a swift motion, I fling myself at him, my arms wrapping around his neck. He nearly stumbles back but his strong arms hold me against him firmly. "I missed us, Draco," I whisper into his ear.

"I did too, my love. I'm so so sorry for what I did," Draco says, giving me a gentle loving squeeze.

"So am I." He pulls back to gaze at my face before capturing my lips with his. He kisses me deeply, longingly, his veiny hand coming up to cup my cheek as he tilts his head to the side slightly.

He breaks away, kissing me again and again, whispering in between. "I-want-to-give-you-something."

Draco moves apart, retrieving a small, velvet black box from his pocket. "I wanted to ask you this sooner. And I should have. And you have every right to deny. But I'm on my knee for it already so..." He pops the box open to reveal a beautiful shimmery diamond ring. "Will you marry me, (Y/N)?"

Leaving my jaw hanging on the ground, my eyes flick between the bright ring and Draco's even brighter blue eyes, full of nothing but hope. I must have hesitated a little too long because his brows knit together in fear of rejection. "(Y/N)?"

Taking his jaw in my small hands, I collide my lips with his, locking them in a passionate kiss. Breaking away, I breathe out, "Took you long enough to ask, dork."

A smile cracks onto the blonde's face, making me mirror it. "My apologies, Princess," he says, kissing the back of my hand like the gentleman he is. He slips the pretty jewel onto my finger, kissing the top of it.

"But tell me now. Will you make me the happiest man alive?"

I shrug, jokingly. "Hm...I guess I could do the honours." Draco gives a roll of his icy blues at this. "I love you, stupid," I say, booping his nose, making him scrunch it up ever-so adorably.

"I love you more, my flower."

"You're the sunflower!!" I sing in an awkward voice.

He shakes his head, chuckling along. "You're so weird."

"And you love that," I tease, squishing his cheeks, making him pout.

He takes hold of my hand, rising up to kiss me sweetly. "That I do."

And they live happily ever after! ✨
I hope that ending was good. Just wanted to mess around a bit teehee. Thanks for the request! Xoxo

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