Meant to Be

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A/N: Hi! Here's another story for you guys. This one might be a little short. Sorry... It might kinda suck... But i hope you still like it. Ok, enjoy!

Warnings: None

Your favourite colour: (F/C)

Normal POV:

You are alone in the common room with your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. You two have been together for almost 2 years. But it didn't take you long to know that he was the one for you. He loves you and you love him. But sometimes you just feel like something is wrong... Like as if he doesn't really like you or that you're not meant to be.

Today you two were sitting in the common room. It was empty and no one else was there besides you and Draco. You were sitting on one of the sofa's and Draco was lying on the one opposite to you. You were wearing a (F/C) T- Shirt and a pair of black pants.

You were lost in your own thoughts when Draco called out to you,

"(Y/N)? What's wrong, babe?"


You switch your gaze from the floor to Draco. He has a confused look and you could see care in his eyes.

"Oh, uh... Nothing."

"C'mere, baby." Draco sat up straight and opened up his arms. You went over to him and cuddled with him as he wrapped his arms protectively around you, comforting you.

"What's up, babe? Is something on your mind?" He asked.

"No... Well... yes, actually..."

"What is it, babe? You know you can tell me anything."

"Well, i've been thinking, Draco... D-Do you love me? Because sometimes i feel like what if you don't actually like me and we're not meant to be. I mean, we always get weird looks from people and i just don't know if us being together is right. So if you don't want me, just-"

You were about to speak but were stopped when Draco's lips were pressed against your own. After you two broke the kiss, Draco said,

"Baby, ofcourse i love you. I love you more than words can say. I don't care what other people say or think and neither should you. I love you, and you being with me is the best thing that ever happened to me. We are meant to be, (Y/N)... Don't ever doubt that."

After that, you two cuddle together with you in Draco's arms. 



"I love you, Draco. How did i get so lucky?"

"I love you too, (Y/N). I'm the one who got lucky, baby."

Then, you two fell asleep in each other's arms. This was a perfect night for you and Draco.

A/N: Hello. I hope you enjoyed this one. Tell me what you think my next story should be and requests are open. Anyways, i hope you liked this one and there's nothing much to say here so yea... Love you, Byeee!✌

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