You Belong With Me

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A/N: This is the first imagine. It may be kinda Dramatic. Please no hate. Enjoy!

Warnings: None

Normal POV:

You won the house cup and everyone was cheering for you.

You were walking through your common room to get dressed up in your PJ's when suddenly someone called you .


You looked back and saw none other than...

Draco Malfoy

"Hi, Draco. What's up?" You said smiling at him.

He replied, "I wanted to say that you should come to the party."

"What party?" You asked.

"There is a party in the Great Hall. You should come." He replied coming closer to you.

"Ok fine I will go change into my normal clothes and I will come".

"Great see you there." He said pecking your cheek and walked towards the room of requirements.

When felt your cheeks burn red. You smiled and went to take a bath. When you came back you put your natural makeup and brushed your hair . You wore a hoodie which says your favourite quote and black pants . You went to the room of requirements and sat near the bartender's table .

"One cup of coffee please". You told the bartender.

"Actually make that two shots of FireWhisky". Draco yells out behind you. You raised your head and turn around to see him.

"I planned to come to this party, not to get drunk". You told Draco, who had an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, this time you will". He said, taking a seat next to you.

"You look nice, by the way". He says with a smile, making your heart platter with joy.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself". You reply with a smile, trying not to sound dreamy.

"You can't just ignore your girlfriend". You tell him, turning back around.

"I don't think she needs me". He sighs happily, looking back at the dance floor. Sighed happily? You follow his gaze to see Pansy dancing with a HufflePuff boy.

"Come on, drink yours! I promise, it's not as bad as you think it is." He says, grabbing your glass and pushing it to you. You look at him with disbelief all over your face.

"Come on!" He yells over the loud music that had started getting louder. You shake your head no. He leans his face close to yours. Your breath hitches, your heart starts beating faster. He passes your face, and leans near your ear.

"Don't you trust me?" He whispers. He leans back into his seat. Your breaths slow down, your heart beat goes at a normal pace again. You look at the drink infront of you, thinking about the pros and the cons.

"Fine. Since you want me to get a life so badly. But just tonight".

"Just tonight". He says with a nod .

You grab the glass and down the drink. You immediately put down the glass, as you feel the drink down your throat. It felt like burning fire, then immediately...

Ice cold. You scrunch up your face in discomfort. You hear Draco laugh.

"I wouldn't have drank it in one go if it were my first time". He says

"Why didn't you say so?!" You shout at him over the loud music and punch his arm playfully.

"Dracy! Come join me!" You hear Pansy's irritating voice come near you and Draco . Once she reached him, she grabbed his wrist and pull him up towards the dance floor.

"Sorry." Draco says before he is dragged off. Now you are left alone. Heartbroken.

"5 shots of vodka please". You shout at the bartender.

Draco's POV:

After Pansy had pulled me over to the dance floor, which I really didn't enjoy, I went back to see (Y/N) passed out on her seat . I chuckle, she finally drank

"How many drinks has she had?" I ask the bartender .

"About 7 sir". He replies making me chuckle at my best friend . I do feel sorry for leaving her , though. (Y/N) has been by my side for years, she has been with me, listened to me, while Pansy was just seeking attention. I wasn't really sure what I was thinking when I asked her to be my girlfriend. Anyways, I gotta take care of (Y/N). I just can't leave her alone with all the drunk dudes around.

"(Y/N), come on . Lets go to your room". I wake her up , carrying her bridal style.

"Go away, Blaise . I don't need you right now." She mumbles.

"I am not Blaise, love." I chuckle at her drunken state .

"Dracooo." She coos, cupping my face with both of her hands.

"Yes, it's me (Y/N)." I laugh

"Now just relax I am taking you to your room." I tell her.

"Ok." She says, while smiling at me.

She was squirming in my arms. "Love stop moving or else i will drop you." I tell her.

"Oh, I already did. I fell hard. Really hard." She says

"What?" I chuckle again.

"But I am broken too." She says sadly.

"I mean, seeing Pansy all over Draco makes me wanna puke. Like, I love Draco so much but I can't tell him--" I freeze.

"Why did you stop walking?" She asks me again, looking at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing. Go on." I mumble.

"But who am I to compete with Pansy? She's pretty even if she looks like a pug. That's a fact coming from me. She's more than I'd ever be. She's got really nice hair, fair skin." (Y/N) explains. By now, we have reached her common room. She started moving again in my arms. 

"Love, stop moving." I tell her. She giggles as I put her in bed.

"God I love it when you call me that." She says, wrapping her arms around me as I lie her down on the bed. God she's so beautiful. She always is.

I think, as I smile down at her.

I just can't tell her. Knowing that my father wouldn't approve of us together. But now I don't care about my father, because I love her so much. (Y/N) is an angel and Pansy is nothing compared to her.

"I love you." She says with a smile as I help her get into bed. I look at her to see if she was serious.

"I love you too. Very much." I tell her thruthfully.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt if I do this." I tell myself as I lean in, getting closer to her face by the second. As I feel my lips touch with her's, I feel electricity rush through. Butterflies start to fly around my body. I pull away to see her beautiful face that cute smile of her's.

"Goodnight, love. I love you so much." I say pecking her forehead.

"Goodnight." She says, immediately falling asleep. I look at her lovingly.

"When will I ever be able to sleep and wake up beside you? When will I be able to kiss you again? When will I be able to show the world that you are mine and I am yours? I belong with you. I want to belong to you. I really do. I love you, (Y/N). You were there for me when no one else was. You were there to understand me when no one else was. I knew I loved you since second year. I just couldn't tell you. I am so sorry (Y/N). I love you so much." I sigh, getting up before the rest of her roommates arrive .

A/N: Hey! So, how was the first one? My exams are going on and thats why my updates might be slow. But i have a few more of these imagines for ya'll. I am super excited to write these for you and not to mention, my other story too. Also, requests are not open right now, seeing that i wont be able to update early. But they will be open soon. I hope you liked this story. I know it was pretty short but yeah... I guess all of them are gonna be short... Sorry. Anyways, i hope you liked it. Love You... Byeee!

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