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Normal POV:

"Draco, where are we going?" You asked. You were sitting in Draco's car (yes, he has a car) and were currently blind-folded. Draco told you not to remove them until he said so and you just went along with it.

"We're almost there, love," Draco said, ignoring your question. He was dressed in his finest white shirt and told you to dress nice. When you asked why, he ignored it again. Finally, the car stopped and Draco said, "Ok, love, we're here. You can take the blind-fold off." You took it off and look out the window. There you saw... Your own house. Although, since you were staying with Draco, it was your parents' house.

"Draco, why are we here?" You asked. "You'll see," Draco said simply.

You and Draco walked towards the front door to your gigantic house. It was more of a Mansion. You stopped at the front door and rang the bell. A few seconds later, the door opened and you saw your mother. Your mother, Olivia (L/N), was a beautiful woman. She also had a heart of gold but if you messed with her or her family, she will not hesitate to show you what she's capible of. Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled you in for a hug. "(Y/N), my baby, how are you?" She asked. She beckoned you two in. "I'm fine, mom," you said after releasing yourself from her bone-crushing hug.

She looked at Draco and said, "Oh, Draco, how wonderful to see you again, dear." She hugged Draco again and you couldn't help but grin. "You too, Mrs. (L/N)," Draco said after she let him go. "Oh, please, call me Liv," your mom said. Draco closed the door and then turned around to see your dad standing there. Your dad was the well known Michelle (L/N). He had his serious look on his face as always but when he saw you his face softened. "(Y/N), come here," he said and opened his arms. You hugged him before letting go and looking at Draco. Your dad's eyes fell on Draco and immediately, his expression hardened. "Mr. (L/N)," Draco said and gave a nod and your dad returned the gesture.

You knew that your dad wasn't very fond of Draco ever since he found out he was a DeathEater. So you wondered why Draco wanted to come here. Your mom sat you all down on the couches– your parents sitting on the one opposite to you and Draco. Then, after a few minuted of heavy silence, your mom asked, "What brings you here today?" Before you could even think of something to reply, Draco said, "I wanted to talk to you about something... Both of you." "Ok, what is it, dear?" Olivia asked.

"I need your permission to marry (Y/N)," Draco said. Your jaw dropped and you stared at him while he kept his eyes fixed on your parents. Your dad narrowed his eyes at Draco and your mom gasped and smiled wide, hiding it behind her hands. As your mom was about to say something, your dad said, "No. Absolutely not."

"Mike!" Olivia exclaimed, her eye brows creased. "No, Liv, I'm not letting our daughter marry a DeathEater," he said. "Dad!" You exclaimed, "Draco was forced into becoming a DeathEater; he didn't want it." But Mike held by his decision and argued, "A DeathEater is a DeathEater; it doesn't matter how you become one." Between all of this arguing, Draco spoke up, "Michelle, if I may, (Y/N) is right. I didn't want to be a DeathEater. But I had to. I had to do it for the sake of my family's life. For the sake of (Y/N)'s life. I knew the Dark Lord would have killed them if I didn't. So I had to do what I did and having (Y/N) there with me through it all really helped me... I love her."

He looked at you and you smiled, now on the verge of tears, and said, "I love you too, Draco." You held his hand and rested your head on his shoulder. Mike looked at you two. His eyes switching from you to Draco and back before he said, "Ok, fine. You have my permission." "Yes!!" You yelled and ran and hugged your dad. He hugged you back and said, "But only because we love you and I love seeing my baby girl happy." You pulled away and turned to see Draco standing near you. You walked closer to him and smiled brightly at him and he returned the smile. Then, he said, "(Y/N), I knew you were the one for me from the moment we first met. You are the most beautiful, smart and kind person I know and you always put other's needs before yours. There is no one in this world I would rather spend my life with."

He got down on one knee and said the words that were music to your ears. "(Y/N) (L/N), will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

A single tear fell on your cheek and you said, "Yes, Draco Malfoy, I will marry you. Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" Draco put the ring on your finger and stood up. He wiped the single tear off your cheek and brought you in to a hug. You hugged him back and he whispered in your hair, "I love you, baby." "I love you too," you said back.

You were over joyed. You were offcially going to live with him. He was yours. Your love. Your one and only. And you were his. His Mrs. Malfoy.

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