Too Late

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Warning: extremely fudging sad 😖

(Y/N)'s POV:

"It's so nice that we can finally spend some time together," I say, walking abreast my boyfriend.

His large hand encloses mine, sending warmth up my arm. "Anything for you, lovely," he replies.

It's a crisp, cool night in New York. The gentle breeze kisses our faces as our feet lead us to no particular destination. Simply to be alone together away from the rest of the world, even if it is just for a few precious minutes.

With the responsibility of being the boss of the most feared Mafia known to NYC, Draco doesn't get much time away from the usual life he leads.

He has people who need him, things he needs to do, a title to uphold. But tonight, he promised to give all of him to me. His attention, his love, his heart.

The bright lights of the city gleam in the distance, away from the solidarity of the park. I feel my lover stiffen abruptly, causing my feet to halt in their steps.

A chilly fog escapes his parted lips as he breathes a sigh. I turn myself to stand directly in front of his tall frame. "Draco?"

His icy blues wander around the ghostly quiet park, before finally trailing down to meet mine. With one hand still closed around mine, he brings the other up to my cheek. The soft pad of his thumb delicately caresses my cheekbone before he lifts my chin up.

"(Y/N)..." he trails off. My eyes catch his Adam's apple bob in his throat. "Pardon me for being cliché, but...from the moment I laid eyes on you in that café, I knew there was something aluring about you."

His fingers brush a stray hair behind my ear. "And when you snapped at my men when you felt annoyed, I knew I wanted you." I hear myself chuckle.

"Before you, the lonliness of being in the Mafia would get to me, though I'd never admit to it. But you never make me feel like I'm ever missing something. Because I have you, and that's all I need."

Draco drops to his knee, his hand still giving mine warmth. My heart beat picks up, hammering against my chest. His pale hand slowly dives inside his jacket, re-emerging a moment later with a velvet box.

"(Y/N)..." He bears the box in front of me, his other hand now setting above it. His fingers hold the box firmly, beginning to pry it open. "Will you—?"


My own scream rips through the atmosphere at the sound of the gun shot. My lover's eyes widen, pouring into mine still as the colour fades from his cheeks. Tears prick my eyes and I drop to my knees, the sound of the shot continuing to ring through my ears.

Draco's body falls into me, and I bring him into my shaking embrace. I cradle his blonde head in my arms, resting his body across my lap. "No... No, please. Draco!" I cry.

Hot tears drop onto his cold body as my sobs get louder. "Please... I beg, you, please don't leave me. Not now..." My hunched figure shakes harshly with every sob.

My vision blurs, fresh salty tears rolling rapidly down my cheeks. Draco weakly lifts a hand up to my wet cheek, cupping it softly. I gasp, balling his shirt up in my fist. "I-I love you, dar..." He stops, a last breath releasing from his lungs.

His cold touch fades when his hand drops limp beside him. "No... NO!" I scream.

My grip on his shirt tightens as a last puff of breath flows into the stale air. I cry his name over and over again, hoping, begging this is all a dream and that I'll wake up in his arms.

But it isn't.

Reality crashes over me like a tidal wave, crushing me lower than I've ever gone. I lean my head against his chest, a part of me desperately aching to hear even a single beat of his heart.

But I can't hear it.

Weak. That's what I feel. Weak and alone. And at the moment, extremely vulnerable.

I know I should leave and get help, call the rest of the Family. But I can't. My heart, my body, my soul, every inch of me refuses to leave Draco's side. We swore we would never leave the other behind.

But he left me.

My wails dissolve in the cold atmosphere, no longer a pleasant winter breeze. The snow dusts heavily over our bodies, swirling around us with the hard wind.

The ring, now popped out of the petite box, lays on the concrete path. The diamond shimmers no more, instead fading into a dark ebony, reflecting the love that I lost tonight.

Free tissues right here 😭

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