Ice Cream

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Normal POV:

"But...But mummy I want ice-cweam!" your five year-old daughter whines, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

You sigh, knowing she got that from her father, Draco. "I know you do, but you know you can't have any right now," you try to explain.

Lynx simply stares up at you with puppy eyes, her rosy cheeks slightly masked by her olive green scarf. You crouch down so you're at level with her (E/C) eyes—something she inherited from you.

"Look, sweetie. Mummy will buy you any kind of ice cream you want after you get better."

It was recently brought to your attention that your little girl had come down with a pretty nasty fever. And as a result, ice cream and slushies (which were two of her most favourite frosty things) were strictly forbidden until she gets better.

Lynx simply huffs, folding her arms above her chest and avoiding your eyes. You exhale a breath, shaking your head as you stand back up to look at your loving husband. "She's your daughter. Try to talk to her? Hopefully she'll listen to you better."

You kiss his soft cheek, before turning round to grip the handle of the shopping cart, continuing to push it along the aisle. Draco looks down at his little Princess, a frown clearly etched on her face.

He goes down to meet her eyes, fixing her scarf so it doesn't cover her tiny face. "Daddy, I want ice cweam," she demands. "Yes, I know, Princess," the blonde says. "But you heard mummy. You're sick right now and we don't want your getting worse."

She pouts yet again, this time looking right at him. "But I feel bad now."

At this, Draco's brows shoot up. "And why is that?"

She stomps her foot on the store ground, her shoes lighting up. "Because I want ice cweam and you don't gimme it!"

The elder Malfoy purses his lips. She's five. There is no reasoning with her. Especially not when she pulls that puppy dog face. To Draco, his daughter looks like his beautiful wife, which makes it harder for him to say no to her.

Her big doe eyes are just like her mother's, and it's a literal weakness for him. And just like her mum, she knows just how to get what she wants. After a few long minutes of Lynx trying to break through Draco with her wide, glossy eyes, he finally surrenders.

"OK, OK, fine," he sighs, much to the girl's delight. "Just...don't tell mummy?"

'Cause then mummy's gonna make daddy sleep on the couch for a week.

She hops on her feet, ecstatic as ever. "OK, daddy. I pwomise no tell mummy."

And with that, she took hold of Draco's slender index finger as they walked towards the ice cream shop across from the store.


"There you two are," you say, greeting your husband and daughter as you step out of the store, groceries in hand. Draco quickly takes them from you, shifting around a bit.

You kneel in front of Lynx, taking her cheeks in your hands and caressing them with your thumbs. "Now where did you and daddy go off to?"

Lynx turns her head to the blonde, and he winks at her. She whips back to face you. "Just walking, mummy," she says as you notice Draco already making his way towards the car. You cock a brow up, but don't say anything.

You start to adjust her scarf when you notice something on the corner of her pink lips. "Hey, what's that?" you ask, tugging the scarf down to get a better look. It appears to be a smudge of some sort.

Your brows knit together as you swipe your thumb over the stain, putting it to your lips after. Chocolate.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!"

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