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A/N: Hey! So here is another story. This one is pretty short... Sorry... But i kinda like it cause i thought of it after i took a shower... Lol 😝. But yeah, this is what i came up with and i hope you like it.

Warnings: None

Normal POV:

You and Draco  live together.

You just took a shower and realized that you forgot your towel and your clothes in your room. So you call out to Draco from the bathroom, still keeping yourself hidden by the door.

"Draco! Come here for a second, please..."

"Yeah? What is it, love?"

He smirks at the sight of you calling him while hiding behind the bathroom door.

"Babe, i forgot my towel in my room. Could you please get it for me?"

"Could you come out a little more? I can't really see you."

"Draco, i have nothing to cover myself up with, now please get me my towel."

He smirks and then goes to get your towel.

He comes back and hands you the towel before snatching it away from you, while u still desperatly try to cover yourself with the door.

"What the hell? Draco, give me the towel."

"First open the door a little more."

You roll your eyes and open the door, while still staying behind it.

" A little more... Just a little more... A bit more... A little bit more..."

At this point, you can't take it.

"Draco,  give me my towel i am NOT opening this door any further." You say, in a very irritated  and demanding tone.

"Ok, fine."

He hands you the towel. You snatch it away from him and quickly close the door so you can wrap it securly around yourself. Then you walk out and close the door and switch off the lights. When you turn back, your see your boyfriend standing just inches away from you, towering you.

"Oh, hey. Look, if you wanna talk, you will have to wait until i get dressed cause right now, i only have a towel to cover me." You say sounding desperate. He smirks at you and walks closer...

You know where this is going so you quickly peck his lips and say 'sorry' while running to ur room n locking the door behind u.

"Phew..." You think. "Sorry, Draco. Maybe next time."

A/N: Hi. Sorry it was so short 😔. These might be kinda short but i will try to think of longer ones, i guess. Anyways, i hope you liked this one. Sorry if it was crappy... Requests are now open so if you have any stories you would like to tell me, now you can!! Ok, well, i hope you enjoyed this one. Ok... Byeee!

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