I'll Be There

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Happy Valentines Day!!! ❤ uwu

(OK, I know I'm late for Valentines Day but like I said, my exams are going on so excuse me 😑)

Warning: Abuse
Your House: Any (Y/H)

Normal POV:

Giggles fell from your mouth as you walked to class with your boyfriend, Draco, your fingers intertwined, and him amusing you with his jokes and sweet comments.

You had a different class from Draco but him, being the most caring boyfriend ever, insisted on walking to you to your class. You felt bad and protested but Draco was subborn and made up his mind.

You were so greatful for having a guy that really cares about you and could not have asked for anything better. Draco was perfect.

Nobody ever expected this; not even you.

No one thought that the Slytherin Prince, the biggest bully in school, had feelings for a sweet and friendly (Y/H). But when Draco finally confessed his feelings, you didn't even have to think twice about it because you felt the same.

It was the best day for both of you.

Draco could have had any girl he wanted, but he chose you. He wanted you.

When you finally reached your class, ignoring the dirty looks some of the other students were giving you, you gave him a loving kiss on his cheek before letting his hand go.

"Bye, baby," Draco said, smiling at you and returning your kiss.

You smiled back before entering your class, already feeling alone and missing the feeling of Draco's warm hand holding yours.

~Time Skip~

As soon as the class came to an end, which felt like an eternity later, you packed your things and rushed out of class, excited to see Draco.

It was the last class of the day and you and Draco always met up after school in the Astronomy Tower.

You were stuffing your books in your bag, not looking where you were going, when suddenly, you got pushed into a wall. Your back hit the wall, hard, and at first you thought it was Draco but when you looked up, the angry face of Pansy Parkinson was before you.

That explains the harsh shove.

Pansy, along with her clique of other Slytherin girls, were glaring at you. Then, the realization came to you that all those girls fancied the Slytherin Prince.

You knew what was going to happen and gulped.

"Hi, (L/N)," Parkinson said. "How's my Dracy?"

"H-Hi, Pansy. Draco is–"

"Mine," she said and slammed you into the wall again. "He could have had all of this," she motions to herself. "But instead, he chose to have you.

"You're nothing but a useless doxie. Nobody loves you, not even your precious Draco. Once he sees what I can give him, he'll come running to me and forget all about your sad, pathetic face."

Then, as if in a flash, Parkinson and the rest of Draco's admirers started throwing swings and punches at you. You fell to the floor, your uniform crinkled and your hair a mess. Pansy's friends then tore up your robes as an insult to injury.

They flipped your bag upside-down and you watched as all your books fell to the ground. Your bottle of ink came crashing down and spilled dark liquid all over the ground.

"I hate you, (L/N). If I ever see your face again, I won't hesitate to test one of the Unforgivable Curses," Pansy said, and they left you as a crying mess on the ground.

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