I'll Be Good

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was walking down the hall with my friend, Lola—with her talking about some new spell she had learned in Charms class.

I was nodding to what she was saying and walking along, when mid-sentence she said, "Hey, isn't that Malfoy?"

At the mention of the boy I loved, my head whipped up and I looked ahead of us. And sure enough, with his bright hair standing out, Draco was before us.

Except, there was a small crowd around him...and he had a boy by his collar, up against the wall. Lola and I quickly strode forward, and the look in Draco's eyes scared me.

He was glaring hard at the poor boy, who looked to be in Ravenclaw. Draco's pale fist was tightening around the boy's collar, and he was actually lifting him a few feet above the ground.

I ran towards my boyfriend and exclaimed, "Draco! What's going on? Let him go!"

When he ignored my pleads, I gripped his arm, and tried again. "Dray...please, let him go." The look in Draco's eyes was unfamiliar, unforgiving.

He dropped the poor boy and the Ravenclaw fell to the ground, clambering himself up and sprinting away. I felt Draco move away from my grip, but by the time I turned to look, he was gone.

I stood there, with everyone staring at me. But I didn't care about them. I was worried about Draco. Lola dispersed the crowd of murmuring students, and tugged on my sleeve, leading me to our next class.

~Time Skip~

At the end of our last class, my mind was still wondering about Draco. He seemed so different today. Honestly, he had been acting awfully strange ever since we returned for Sixth Year.

Today was actually the first time I got a good look at him. He looked...frustrated. Poor baby.

Just as I exited my last class, Lola came rushing my way, and said, "(Y/N), it's Draco! He just got into a fight!"

Upon hearing this, my eyes widened and my heart beat quickened. As I ran down the corridors, my mind raced with questions: What had happened? Is he hurt?

The moment I came across a large crowd of students, I knew I was at the right place. I squeezed myself through the wall of people, getting to the front.

When I did, I saw my love being reprimanded by Professor Snape and a furious Professor McGonagall. My eyes turned glossy with tears at the sight of the Slytherin.

His robes had been ruffled up, his shirt peaking out and crinkled. Draco's head was turned away from the two Professors, and I could see a mark beginning to darken on his cheek.

His lip was a shade of blue, and his forehead was bruised as well. His eye was half closed, with a purple shiner. His usual, neatly gelled hair was messy and pointing in every other direction.

"Draco," I gasped. His eyes flickered to me, and I felt myself break, seeing him so broken. He was the strongest boy I had ever met.

Every bone in me ached to go to him—to help and heal him. So I did. As the Professors were about to take him, I ran to the boy I loved, and stood before him.

The tears were starting to fall now. I cupped his jaw in my hands, and cried out, "Baby. What happened to you? Who did this to you?"

Draco's eyes refused to meet mine. He parted his mouth to answer, but before he could, Snape replied from behind me, "Mr. Malfoy is responsible for the attack on one of the students."

My mouth went dry, as he continued. "And for this, as dissapointed as I am to say, he will serve his time in detention. And his father will be informed of his violent and reckless behaviour."

I simply stared at the broken boy I held before me, tears tumbling down my cheeks. "Draco... 'Attack?' What attack?" I asked, disbelievingly.

Draco's cold hand came up to hold mine against his injured cheek. His breaths were shaky as he whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Come along now," Snape called, having had enough of this. "We have a lot to discuss. And you have the possibility of getting expelled for what you did to your victim."

"Or what's left of him," I heard someone say from within the crowd, still watching intently.

Without a second glace, Draco swiftly strode past me, the feeling of his touch on my hand still lingering. Out of the crowd came Lola, heading my way.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm so sorry you had to see that," she said, standing next to me and putting her hand on my back. Slipping past the group of students, I saw a boy being helped out. He was limping.

Following my gaze, Lola sighed, sympathetically. "I-Is that—?" I asked, shakily, unable to finish my sentence.

She nodded, sadly. "Yes. That's him—the guy Malfoy beat up."

I broke down in Lola's arms, crying into her shoulder. "W-What's gotten into him?" I said through sobs.

"I don't know, girl," Lola said, stroking my back. "What's gonna h-happen to him?" I asked.

"Well... I'm hoping for the best, you know?" she said. I could tell she was just as confused as I was. But I needed assurance. Draco could get expelled.

At the thought of it, more tears began flooding in. "Woah, woah, hey," Lola said, holding me back to look at my tear stained face. "He'll be fine, OK? He's going to be alright."

I nodded, still shaking. I hugged myself as my friend swung her arm over my shoulder and helped me to our dorm. All I could do was pray Draco was going to be OK and not get expelled.

I just really wish I could be there to help him right now. And that's when it struck me—I was going to see him tonight.

If he was getting expelled (which I really hoped he wasn't), then at least I could spend the night with him. And with that in mind, I spent the rest of the day waiting until the right moment—

The right moment to find out the truth to all my questions. 

Hehehe a cliffhanger.

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