Late Night Reads

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This is a short on, but please read the note at the end. Thanks!

(Y/N)'S POV:

I turn to my side, one knee bent up, a I continue to read down the page of the book in my hand.

I don't know what it is, but I just can't put it down. It has really got me hooked.

I feel my boyfriend's arm wrap around my waist from behind, snuggling his face into my shoulder.

", why are you still up?" Draco groans, groggily.

I chuckle, rubbing my hand on his arm. "I'm still reading, Dray."

"But it's 1 O'5 in the morning," he whines, barely awake.

"Yes, I know," I say. "But I just have to know how this ends."

Draco moans into my shoulder. "Well, at least turn to me," he says.

I oblige, and turns to face my messy-haired boyfriend. Now, I'm flat on my back, one hand caressing Draco's scalp, while the other is holding my book before me.

A couple minutes pass by, and just as I begin to think that Draco has fallen back to sleep, a hand reaches out for my book, snatching it right from my grasp.

Draco puts the book away beside him, despite my whispered protests. A slight victorious smirk is visible on his lips, through the dim light of the room.

"Draco, I was reading that," I say, half-heartedly.

"I know," he says. "But you're giving that book way more attention than you're giving me right now."

"Uff, you big baby," I giggle, turning to face him completely.

He engulfs me into his embrace, holding me close. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, planting a soft kiss there.

"Mm," he hums into my neck. "Now, this is better."

I tangle my fingers in his messy blonde hair, finally giving in to sleep.

I sigh in content. "I love you, Draco," I say, placing a kiss in his hair.

"I love you, baby," Draco says, instantly falling back asleep, his soft snores giving him away.

Hiya! This was a short one, but at the moment, I can't focus on much besides passing my exams. So, updates might be slow until at least next week. To those that have sent requests, I'm so terribly sorry about the delay. Don't worry, I'll be back to writing as soon as my exams are over. Thanks for the patience. ❤

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