Movie Night

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Normal POV:

"Sorry. Excuse me," you whisper, dragging your boyfriend along by his hand all the way to the back seats. "Here are our seats. Come on, Dray."

You and Draco always having something new planned for your dates. This time, you picked what you two were going to do. Which ended up with the both of you in a Muggle cinema.

You, for one, are excited to get this movie night started. Draco, on the other hand, well...not so much. So far he dislikes everything about the cinema—from the mess of spilled caramel popcorn on the carpet, to what he called the "outrageous" prices of the food.

But he agreed to it anyway, being the wonderful boyfriend that he is and not wanting to ruin your date night. Even though he was not the biggest fan of Rom-Coms.

You plop down on your seat, Draco taking his place next to you. You are sitting at the very back, and aren't many people around in front of you either, which Draco is thankful about.

Taking a few handfulls of your popcorn, you munch on it, popping a few in your boyfriend's mouth as well. The room goes dark and the movie finally plays. Your hand keeps feeding you the popcorn, your eyes fixated on the big, bright screen in front of you.

Placing the container of popcorn aside, you chug down your slushie, saving the rest for later. You watch the scene ahead of you, too focused to even notice the bored look on your blonde boyfriend's face as he supports his chin on his palm, blankly staring ahead.

Draco's POV:

My God, this is so bloody boring.

Maybe if I had my wand on me I could have had a little fun. I breath a faint sigh, rolling my eyes at the sight of the man coming on screen.

These Muggles and their wannabe "bad boys". I scoff. Oh, please. That's nothing.

My blue-grey eyes flick toward (Y/N)'s face, observing the way she chewed on her nail, staring at the jock on the big screen. I reaaaaally wish we could have been doing something else right now. Anything.

An idea flickers to life in my head, making a smirk find its way onto my face. Making sure no one's watching us, I slip a hand onto (Y/N)'s thigh. At first, she doesn't react to it. Until I start moving it further up her thigh, caressing the inside of it with my fingers.

From the corner of my eye, I watch her swallow hard, shifting slightly in her seat. The pad of my thumb rubs against her clothed core, making her breath hitch. Her delicate, small hand wraps around my wrist.

"Draco, not here," she hisses under her breath.

I smirk proudly. "I can't help it, baby girl. I'm bored and you look so damn sexy right now." I lean in closer to her so that lips were beside her ear. "I want you, baby."

I watch her eyes flutter close as I begin to leave kisses on her neck and shoulder, tugging on her top to expose more of her beautiful skin. She bites down on her lower lip, pulling on it harshly as I rub my hand against her core, all the while kissing and nipping at her neck.

She lets out a frustrated huff of air, and I know I've got her attention. I bring my hand up to guide her head toward mine, connecting our lips. I kiss her hard, our lips moving together with a sense of urgency.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Draco nips at my bottom lip with his pearly teeth, and I part my mouth for him, allowing his tongue to slip in. His wet tongue caresses my own as my hand trails up his inked shirt to hook around his neck.

My mind goes foggy from the heated kiss and the feeling of his lips against mine, to the point that I nearly forget where we are and frankly, I couldn't care less at this moment.

Draco's hand reaches over to grip my hips, guiding me onto his lap. I straddle him as my fingers tangle in his platinum hair, creating a mess of it. His large, veined hands sit firmly against my hips as he breaks away, placing open mouthed kisses down my jaw.

I bite my lip, willing every inch of my not to moan. But Goddamn it was so hard not to.

His hot mouth moves back up, imapatiently colliding with mine again. His tongue immediately slides back inside my warm mouth, our noses softly brushing against each other. Draco's cold hand travels up to the bottom of my shirt, slowly slipping it under to lay flat against my bare stomach.

In a sudden moment, the bright ray of  a flashlight is aimed at us, followed by the hushed yell of a man. "Oi! Wad'ya think ye're doin' there?!"

Draco and I jerk apart, and I instantly get off him, grabbing my bag as he takes my hand. Everything happens so quick and in a matter of seconds, we find ourselves back outside the cinema, still a little shaken by what just happened.

There is silence.

Then, the blonde bursts out laughing, his shimmery white teeth flashing in a wide grin. This, in turn, causes me to lose my serious look as well. We laugh hard, turning pink and breathless, our hands clutched over our stomachs.

"Oh my gosh. I'm such an idiot," I say, still giggling. Draco chuckles. "It wasn't a good movie anyway. Who needs that Hayden Scotter guy, or whatever his name was. You've got me."

I roll my eyes at him pointing his thumbs at himself, grinning proudly. "Oh, how lucky I am, indeed."

"Heck yeah you are, babe," my boyfriend says, swinging an arm around my shoulder and kissing the top of my head. "Now how about we go to your place? Maybe we could watch an actually good movie."

I tap my finger on my chin, as if contemplating the idea. "Hmm. Well, only if we include a cuddle session."

"You read my mind, love." Draco winks, leading me to my car.

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