Look Out

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Heyyy!!! Thanks so much for being hereee!! I honestly can't believe this is the 40th Draco Malfoy Imagine I've written so far!!!! You guys are just so supportive, I literally wouldn't be here without you.

Also, 4.13K reads, seriously??!?! Like... Wow... Just WOW. OK that's enough, enjoy reading!! Please, if you may, vote and comment on it. I would highly appreciate it! Thanks!!!

(Y/N)'s POV:

I walk down the hall, over to the Room of Requirements, where Harry and the rest of Dumbledore's Army is about to assemble for training.

Ever since Umbridge arrived, things went down-hill real quick. Everyone in their right mind knows that we are not safe. Times are changing and we need to learn how to defend ourselves.

So, as soon as I heard that Harry was starting dueling lessons, I immediately signed up. It's usually just getting to the Room, undetected, that's the tricky part.

Taking ling strides, I turned a corner, and just my luck, nearly ran into the Prince of Slytherin, himself.

Oh, crap. He was part of the Inquisitorial Squad. If he caught students going into the Room of Requirements, we'd definitely be done for it.

The entire cover of Dumbledore's Army would be blown, and it'll be my fault.

So, in a moment of desperation, I said, "Malfoy, n-nice seeing you here." I mentally kicked myself. Was that really all you could think of?! Now he's gonna think you're interested or something.

Truth be told, I had always liked Malfoy. I don't know what, but there's something about him that just made my stomach do somersaults and made me a nervous wreck around him.

I felt my palms beginning to sweat, as Malfoy's icy eyes looked me up and down. "What are you doing here, (L/N)?" He questioned.

Quick! Think of something!

"I-uh... I-I'm looking for my book," I stutter.

Nice going, idiot.

He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Your book?"

"Y-Yes. I seemed to have left it in-" I watched behind his shoulder, as the members of Dumbledore's Army gathered near the blank wall.

They needed to think of the Room if they wanted it. And I had to buy them some time.

Malfoy snapped his slender fingers in front of my face, making me look back into his dashing silver eyes.

"You left it where, again?"

I had to stop myself from drooling at the sight of his chiseled features, and quickly think of an answer.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess I must have left it in one of my classes," I say, my eyes daring to make another quick glance over his shoulder.

"Oh, really?" He asked, eyeing me suspiciously. "Well, what book did you lose?"

I gulped. "Erm... Divination," I lied.

His expression changed to one of disgust, as though I had just blabbered some filthy nonsense.

"Well, I for one think Divination is complete and utter nonsense," the blonde said. "It's an absolute waste of time, and I wouldn't bother looking for the book..."

I zoned out of Malfoy's ranting and completely focused my attention behind him. Almost everyone was in the Room of Requirements. Great, now I just had to keep Malfoy distracted until everyone was in, and things will be just-

"Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you, (L/N)," Draco's voice called. "What on Earth are you looking at?"

Oh no. (Y/N), act fast!!!

Just as Draco was about to turn back, I grabbed hold on his face and crashed my lips on top of his. I peeked my eyes open to see the last of the students entering through the large doors, and found myself surprised when Malfoy actually started to kiss back.

His eyes were closed shut as we kissed, and the Room disappeared into the wall. Guess I'll have to find another way in.

I quickly pulled back and muttered an apology under my breath, as I swiftly walked past him, my cheeks flaming red.

Draco's POV:

She kissed me out of nowhere. Of course I kissed back. I wasn't missing the opportunity of snogging the girl I fancy. But just as I did, she abruptly pulled away.

The sight of all flustered, with her cheeks a deep shade of rose made me want to kiss her all over again. As I watched her retreating figure walk past me, I lifted a hand to my lips.

Not a smirk, but a genuine smile found its way to my lips and I walked on my way, grinning like an idiot. A really happy idiot.

So, how are you guys doing? I for one am extremely bored at home, cause of quarantine. Draco is about the only thing that keeps me sane these days. Anyways, take care and see ya in the next one!

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