Too Blind To Love (#2)

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Malfoy?" I said, shocked. I whipped around to face my captor, and sure enough, with his platinum hair styled perfectly as always, was the Slytherin Prince, himself.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?" he demanded.

I looked at him with furrowed brows. "Me? What are you doing, Malfoy?"

Ignoring my question completely, he asked, "What were you doing with that dimwit?"

"He's not a dimwit," I stated. "His name's Adam. And he just agreed to help me with my Charms assignment tomorrow—"

"Forget it. I'll help you," he cut me off, taking me by surprise.

"Wha–you?" I scoffed. "Why would you wanna help me?"

In a sudden motion, he had me pinned against the wall, his palms flat against the cold concrete next to my head. "I said I'll help," he declared, before his face softened. "Please...Let me."

Wow. He is full of surprises tonight, I thought, biting back a small smile.

Draco leaned in, brushing his lips against my ear. "Please, (Y/N). Let me help you."

I gulped, pushing myself further against the wall. His blue-grey eyes poured into my own, and before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine.

I froze. He kissed me softly, waiting for my response. And then I found myself kissing him back. His lips moved against mine in sync, kissing me slowly. And just as suddenly as the moment started, it had stopped.

Draco's eyes locked me in place as the only sounds made were the soft pants coming from both of us. Then, he kissed my forehead, murmuring, "I'll see you tomorrow, love." Before leaving me breathless and weak in my knees standing in the corridor.

~Time Skip to the Next Day~

(Y/N)'s POV:

All night, I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. He kissed me. And now, as my feet were taking me to the library, there was no hiding the obvious seemingly permanent blush that masked my face.

As I stepped into the large room, the smell of old and new books hit my nostrils, calming me in a way. (OK, but srsly. I LOVE the smell of books.)

I had to break the news to Adam about not being able to make it to our planned meeting, which I felt pretty bad about, but Adam reassured me it was no big deal. At first, I couldn't see Draco anywhere, so I decided to check down the long aisles between the shelfs.

And there, sitting on one of the tables in the far back of the library, was Draco, looking amazing as ever. There isn't a day that he doesn't look good.

Sensing my stare, he looked up at me, a genuine smile forming on his face. "(Y/N)," he said. "You're here."

"Well...You said you'd help," I said, awkwardly. As much as I hated to admit it, I still had feelings for this boy. I saw his face drop slightly. "Oh, right. Yeah. Go ahead and sit down."

And I did so. My skirt hitched up slightly when I sat, revealing a bit of my thigh. I saw Draco's eyes flick to my exposed skin, before quickly turning away and clearing his throat. "So. What did you need help with?" he questioned.

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