The Yule Ball (#2)

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Your dress and hair for the Ball ⬆(you can imagine some other dress if you want. Idk)

(Y/N)'s POV:

I am standing infront of my mirror admiring my dress for the Ball. My mother had sent it in after I sent her a letter telling her about the Yule Ball and how i urgently needed a dress. She sent me the perfect dress. It was stunning and I put on some light make-up and a pair of heels to go with it. I was so excited and nervous at the same time.

Finally, it was time and my friend, Anna, rushed in while I was doing some last minute checking. I watched through the mirror as she stopped dead in her tracks and her jaw went limp. "Oh my gosh... You look absolutely AMAZING!!!" She exclaimed. "If you didn't have a date, I would have taken you myself." I laughed at her little comment and turned to face her. "Come on, girl. The boys will be waiting for us," she said. "Ok... I'm ready," I said and did a last minute 180° in the mirror. 

We went down to the Great Hall where the Ball was being held and my eyes scanned around for Derik. I spotted him staring at me with eyes wide and jaw on the ground. I smiled and walked towards him, seperating from Anna. "Hi, Derik," I said shyly. He quickly closed his mouth and said, "Hello, (Y/N). You look breath-taking." I giggled and said, "Shall we?" I hooked my arm around his and we walked into the glamorous Great Hall.

We talked and laughed and danced to the first song. Then the Ball turned into a Party and the Weird Sisters performed their song. There was Rock 'n' Roll and everybody was going crazy. I had a lot of fun and the night was turning out better than I expected. Soon after all of the craziness had died down, there was another slow song and Derik asked to go over to his Durmstrang friends. Ofcourse I said yes and watched as he went to a group of Durmstrang students.

At one point, I saw Hermione go out of the Great Hall with Ron behind her and I was about to go check what happened when suddenly a smooth all-too-familiar voice said, "Hey, (Y/N)." I turned and came face to face with Draco Malfoy. He looked good. Really good. I snapped out of my thoughts and said, "Hi, Malfoy." He sort of frowned but then said, "May I have this dance?" I smirked and said, "Yes, you may." I giggled as he led us to the dance floor where a few other students were still dancing to the slow song.

He put both his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. I liked this way better than the one the Professors showed us. I stared into his blue-grey eyes and he into mine. "You look beautiful," he said. I smiled and said, "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." He chuckled and said, "At least I got a dance with you." This time i giggled. I hadn't seen this side of him before and... I liked it. It was better and something inside me felt it. Then he got serious and asked, "Where is your date, Darren?" I raised a perfect eye brow and said, "You mean Derik? He's gone to talk to his friends." Malfoy drew closer and said, "If you were my date, I wouldn't leave you like this."

As we danced to the slow song, without realizing it, our faces grew closer and closer until the point where I felt his minty breath on my lips. Then, as if realizing the position we were in, I stepped back and away from him. "Uh... I-I should go find Derik. Um... Bye, Draco," I said and left, my cheeks flaming red.

Draco's POV:

Oh no... What did I say? Why did she leave? I almost had my kiss! I don't understand, it should have worked. She wasn't supposed to leave. Uugghh... I messed this up. Well, the good thing is, she called me Draco. I smirked to myself at the thought. It was definetly a start.

Normal POV:

You walked to where some of the Durmstrang students were and asked them if they had seen Derik. One of them told you they saw him leave. You walked out of the Great Hall and were walking down a corridor when you hear the faintest giggle. You follow the sound and turn a corner to see Derik pinning another girl to the wall and making out with her. It shouldn't have affected you so much but it still did. He couldn't even stay loyal for one night, you thought. "Derik, how could you?! How could you just leave me and run to some other girl?" You yelled. Derik quickly pulled away from the girl and looked at you with fear in his eyes because he had been caught.

"(Y/N), wait. I can explain!" He said. "No, Derik. Forget it. I should have seen this coming," You said and ran back to the Great Hall as fast as you could in your heels. It hurt. You knew it did.

Draco's POV:

I decided to walk down the corridor so I could get some air and escape Pansy. I was just wandering around when suddenly, as I turn a corner, some one bumps into me and I stumble back a little. I regain my balance and look up to see (Y/N)... Crying. Her face is wet with tears and her hair is a mess. I'm guessing from running. But who was she running from? I quickly go over to her and bring her into my arms. "(Y/N)? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask frantically. "D-Derik d-ditched me for a-another girl," she sobbed into my shirt and I let her. It broke me to see her hurt. I felt so angry at that cretin for doing such a thing to her. I held on to her tighter, not wanting to let her go. "Shh... It's ok. Calm down, love," I said, in an attempt to get her to stop crying.

Once her sobbing died down, I moved her away from my body to look at her. It broke my heart and I wanted to hold on to her forever. I moved a strand of hair that was stuck to her face and put it gently behind her ear. I cupped her cheek and said, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I should have told you this sooner... I really like you. I... I love you, (Y/N). I have since first year. I'm so sorry you had to go through this." I looked away from her in embarassment. She cupped my cheek and brought my eyes back to hers. "It's ok, Draco. It's not your fault. And... I love you too," she said.

My eyes widened and I said, "Really? Oh, (Y/N), you have no idea how happy I am right now. I can-" I was cut off by her lips on mine. It lasted for a second before she pulled away and said, "You talk too much, Draco." We smiled at each other and I leaned in again like last time and so did she. This time our lips met and it felt like fireworks exploded. I know that sounds cliché but It's true. Her lips felt so soft and a little wet from her tears but they were perfect. Our lips moulded together and moved in sync.

I daringly licked her lower lips and she granted me permission. My tongue explored her mouth and mingled with hers. It was pure bliss. But then, after what felt like forever, we ran out of air and had to break apart. I wasn't worried though... I was sure I was going to get more of these kisses in the future. We smiled at each other and then walked to the Astronomy Tower together to gaze at the Stars.

I was over joyed knowing that now, I had gotten what I wanted and that (Y/N) (L/N) was officially mine. My one and only love. My girl.

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