1-3|It's Been a While...

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"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success."
-James Cameron
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a white Nike sweatshirt, black Nike leggings, pink Nike sneakers, and a pink watch.

Hey, everyone. It's been fifty-four days since my last update, which is definitely not how long I wanted to go without writing. I started this journal series so that way I would have something to look back on years from now and relive the events in my life and to know what was going through my mind. I was much better at staying up to date Freshman year, but not so much now. I just have a lot more homework now and a lot less exciting stuff happening this year, which makes me less motivated to write. I'm going to try to start writing more in my journal... no promises, though.

I think that I should update you on what's been going on recently. First semester ended about two weeks ago. I finished my semester grades with all A's!! My official report card won't be released for a bit, so I'll have to wait to see what my new GPA is.

I've only cheered at one basketball game, and it was a girl's game. We weren't able to cheer at any more girls games or any of the boys games. Hopefully, we will be able to cheer some games.

I ended up getting quarantined two/three weeks before the end of the term; I didn't test positive. So I did distance learning for a bit. My school did virtual learning for the last week and a half of school, so everyone was at home doing Google Meets. This made teachers change how they were doing finals. My school announced that teachers had the option to give students finals or to not.

I got four points off on my chem final. My English final was to write three essays, but she's only grading one. My score isn't in yet for my essay. My Algebra II final was open note, and we had three days to complete it. I got an A on my Algebra II final. (story coming in a moment about this, haha) My apush teacher decided not to give us a final, very nice of her. Not gonna lie I would've failed, definitely going to have to relearn this if I'm going to pass the college board test. My Spanish II final was a listening activity thing; my score isn't in yet. My Choir final was a bunch of small tests for three days, and I got an A+.

My Algebra II teacher gave us the final on Wednesday, and it was due Friday at the end of the period. I completed the first half of the final on Wednesday and the second half on Thursday. Then I checked all of my answers on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, I emailed my math teacher a question about how I formatted something. I sent the email to him through my personal email because my school one wasn't working. In the email, I mentioned why and apologized for doing so.

Friday morning, I emailed tech and told them my email wasn't working. Tech sent me an email back during my math period while I was trying to turn in my test. At this time, I was having trouble trying to turn in my test. They told me that they changed my passcode. My passcode is the code I use to buy lunch, use the school printer, log in to my google account, and all of my other school-related things. Because my passcode changed, my iPad kicked me out of all my Google apps. My math teacher required that we stayed on the Google Meet during the period, and the passcode change kicked me off the meet. I have bad WiFi at my house, so my iPad was being very slow. I texted my friend and asked if she could tell the teacher, I was kicked from the meet, she did. Once I was finally able to join the meet, I continued trying to turn in my test, but it wouldn't let me. My school email still wasn't working. I then told my teacher I couldn't turn in the test, and I was about to cry because this was a final, and the period was almost over. He told me that I could send him the test through my personal email, thank goodness. I then airdropped my test to my phone and emailed it to him.

Then I left the meet because we only had to stay on until we turned in the test. My next period didn't start for another ten minutes, so I went into the living room. My Mom and brother were already in there, and she could definitely hear me struggling in the other room. I knew my Mom was going to ask what happened, and I was about to cry from all the stressful events that just occurred. I was like, of all the days you choose to go to work late, why today, haha. (My parents work Fridays, but the business technically isn't opened on Fridays, so they usually go in late and stay late.)

Omgsh, it's been so long I forgot a lot of the code names I made. I can only remember Mia, Paige, and Ella, haha. But anyway, Logan texted me when he was quarantined and asked what our Spanish homework was, so I told him. Then the next day, he just texted and asked me how I was and such. I don't think I like him, but he's nice. Not to assume he still likes me, but how has he liked me for a year. I would've gotten bored of me by now, haha. I think that it would be best if I dated someone who cared deeply about school like me. That way, they would understand if I couldn't hang out, or we could do cute study dates, omgsh. If only. I also don't think that I ever got over Oliver. Oliver and I texted for a while last year. He was so nice, but I stopped talking to him because my Mom would never let me date him. Because at the time, I was a Freshman, and he was an eighth-grader at a different school. (we met at a basketball game. If you want to read about him, I wrote about him in Freshman Year. We met around January; I think there's a chapter with his name in it.) I saw a Tik Tok on my for you page of a girl who is friends with Bailey. I met this girl at one of Bailey's birthday parties a long time ago. So I was watching it, and then I saw that she was dating Oliver. I was like, oh woah, kinda sad about it, haha. But yah. Enough about my boring non-existent dating life.

Winter Break was a much-needed break. After virtual school on Friday, my brother and I went Christmas present shopping for our family. We did a joint gift for my Mom and Dad; that way, we could get them something nice and not break our wallets, haha. We got our Mom a mug that has a temperature control to keep her coffee warm. Her coffee always ends up going cold, so I thought this would be a good gift. Then we got my Dad a Carhartt sweatshirt; he likes these sweatshirts. I handmade my sister's gift. I spent so long on it trying to get it perfect, haha. I bought all of the items from Hobby Lobby, and I made a shadow box with pictures of the two of us in it with decorations around it. I think it turned out pretty cute. Then I got my brother a wallet because he's been really wanting one.

On Sunday, I went ice skating with some of my friends. I hadn't been ice skating in three or so years, so I was pretty rusty. It was a lot of fun, though.

If someone asked me what I did all break, the only thing I could think of is Animal Crossing, haha. I asked for Animal Crossing and a switch for my birthday over the summer, but my parents weren't able to find a switch because of the switch shortage. So I wasn't expecting to get one for Christmas, let alone an Animal Crossing Edition Switch. I about broke down right then and there. I didn't expect especially and ACNH edition. My Mom said she found it at Best Buy, and it was the only switch left. I was shocked that there was an ACNH switch. But yeah, that's basically what I ended up doing all break, working on my island. I'm so grateful for my parents and everything they do for me. I hope that everyone else had a great holiday and break!

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