8-4|One Week Till The First Day

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"There is nothing permanent except change."
Hey guys!! So to start off the first official chapter of my new book, I'm going to catch you all up on everything that's happened since my last chapter in "Freshman Year."

Okay, so, if you read my Freshman journal, you would know that I planned to start my apush summer homework right once summer began and reread it every month. Soo... that didn't happen. I ended up stressing over apush for pretty much all of summer break. At first, Paige and I planned to read the same pages every day, but that didn't work out, so we worked individually. Then she decided to drop apush, so she's not taking the class anymore. I'm currently on chapter three of the summer homework, so I'm on the last chapter. Our homework is to read chapters 1-3 and answer questions over it. Chapter two also had a chart you had to fill out and omg, that took forever. I'm planning on making the Quizlet for the test tomorrow. Our test is on the first day of school.

Last week we had cheer tryouts and had to wait three days until we found out who made it. That was a very nerve-wracking three days. Last year, we had a varsity and a jv squad, but this year we only have a varsity squad. And I made the team!! I'm super excited, but I'm not sure how the season will go because of the coronavirus. Usually, when we cheer, we are about six feet apart anyways while doing chants since we are arm lengths apart. But I'm curious if we will be allowed to stunt, I hope we can. I also found out that our first football game is the second week of school. It's a home game, and I'm super excited. Although, we haven't had any cheer practices yet, so that means the new girl (we only have one freshman) is going to have to learn quickly. A lot of our cheers/chants are similar to the middle school ones, but some of the motions are different, and some are completely new.

My school is allowing people to either go in person to school or do distant learning. I'm going to do in-person school because staying home after a while gets old. I'm not sure how long we will end up being physically at school before they decide not to allow us to come anymore, though. What stinks is, I doubt that we'll get to have any dances. I really hope we can, I love dressing up.

My assistant teacher from second-semester Spanish last year is going to be my Spanish II teacher, so that will be fun. She was really nice, so I'm happy she's my teacher. Mia also has our old assistant teacher, but she's the only other person that I know who has her, and we aren't in the same class.

I'm anxious about my classes, though, because I'm taking three honors-level courses. I'm taking Honors Algebra II, and this teacher assigns lots of homework, and lots of kids don't like him. I'm taking Honors English, which will be lots of reading. Then I'm taking apush, which is lots of reading and stress :) I may or may not have many breakdowns this year.

I also don't know how good I'll be at chemistry. My sister said that my teacher will say mean things to you and cover it up with making it sound nice.

Then I really hope choir is still fun. My choir teacher that I had from 7th-9th grade retired. In my school email, I saw that the new teacher had already put something in google classroom for us to do when we get back. I saw that she wants us to record us singing so she can give us assigned seats (probably for voice matching). My old choir teacher let us sit wherever we liked within our section.

I also turned 16 since the last time I wrote!! That means I can get my license in October! My driver's ed school includes six drives with your purchase of attending the school (I'm not sure how to word that haha.) I just started doing my drives, and my instructor was like "you're doing really good" then when I was on drive two he said, "usually I wait till drive three to have you drive in town, but you're doing good, so I'll let you do it earlier." I was like I hope I'm pretty good because I already have all the required hours I need since I've been driving for a good amount of time now. I wouldn't say I'm a stellar driver, but I wouldn't say I'm awful either. I'm just meh at it.

I've gotten most of my school supplies already. I got a five subject notebook and a three subject notebook solely for math. We don't receive supplies lists in advance, so I'll have to wait till the first day to find out what each teacher wants. I haven't gone clothes shopping for school either.

I'm curious about how school will be working. Like will we all be eating in the lunchroom, are the desks going to be placed six feet apart, how many kids can be in each class? I really do not want to go back to school. I wish that school would be pushed back a week. I also really wish that I wouldn't have procrastinated on doing my summer homework.

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