8-12|The First Day

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"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
-Jimmy Dean
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a lilac dress with a white lacey bralette underneath, platform sandals, a white mask, a gold pendant necklace, a gold ring, and a sparkly pink, green, gold, and white beaded bracelet.

Today honestly, wasn't too bad, but it was weird being back. I woke up around 6:10 and started getting ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, put in my contacts, put on my clothes, did my makeup, my Mom straightened my hair, and then I finished packing my lunch. Then I got in the car and looked over my apush notes on the way to school.

Once I got into the school, I went and found some of my friends. We stood outside my chemistry classroom because the majority of us have chemistry first period. Then when we walked into the classroom, our new ipads were sitting on our desks to show us where our assigned seats were.

Our new ipads are white, and our previous ones were black. Third grade is when my school first got ipads and then in fifth grade (I believe) just my grade got new ipads because the original ones we were given were the old ipads from the computer lab that weren't even able to have airdrop. Then our cases are now navy blue and neon orange, which is weird because our school colors are purple and white. The cases now have a keyboard attached to them, which is different from previous years. Our cases are usually black or purple. We were given a charging cord and block, along with our lunch card. The lunch cards are new this year because instead of typing our lunch codes onto a keypad, we are scanning the cards, so not everyone is touching the keypad. The lunch cards and the keypads are so that your account pops up so the lunch ladies can charge you for your meal.

In chemistry, I sit behind Paige. Then on the row beside me, Mia sits on my left, and Natalie sits in front of her. The seats are all in alphabetical order, and we all got lucky to sit next to each other. During class, we did a notecard where we wrote two things about ourselves. Then we wrote on a card the passcode we want for a website we will be using year-round. We also went over the classroom rules and were given a lab procedure paper we have to sign. The teacher seems pretty nice. Although she kept talking about how the homework load is going to be different than Biology was and that if you aren't good at math, then you're going to struggle. But she is giving extra credit to students who bring in a roll of paper towel, which is great.

My next class was Honors English, and the teacher seems nice. In her class, we did a paper where we learned about growth mindset and had to write ten positive things about ourselves. Then we took a survey about things surrounding the coronavirus. We were also supposed to do another worksheet, but none of us had google classroom/notability downloaded yet, so we couldn't. She also showed us her online page, where she puts our schedule for the week. I sit at a two-person table with Delilah, then at the table next to me is Paige and Natalie. The seats in her class are also alphabetical. When I was doing my survey, I realized the apostrophe key on my keyboard wasn't working. Then I asked six other people, and none of theirs worked either. I ended up doing some research and found how to fix the problem, so I texted everyone how to fix it. My brother's also didn't work, so I fixed his for him after school.

After that, I had Honors Algebra II, which uuuh... yikes. We walked into the classroom, and the teacher gave us our alphabetically assigned seats. All of the desks in the classroom were spread out; all of my other classes didn't distance the desks. I sit in the very back, and Paige is on my left. As we were going over the classroom rules, I looked over and realized the lid on my water bottle had fallen off, and a puddle of water was on the ground. At this time, my teacher was going over the rule about how you can only have water and don't spill things. So I was like oh crap, so I put the lid back on my water bottle and moved my backpack away from the puddle. I didn't say anything about it, and then, later on, Paige saw the puddle. She was like, "Nicole, there's water right there, and it's getting on your backpack." I was like, oh no, I didn't realize. So I moved my backpack father away, and we both left it at that. Then the bell rang, and I went up to the teacher and was like," Hey Mr. Smith, there's a lot of water on the ground in the back." And I tried to make it seem like the water wasn't mine, and I think he believed it. Okay, so he is really strict, and I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day, but if it were any other teacher, I would've admitted to it. I told my sister what happened, and she was like, "How mad was he at you?" And I was like, "I didn't let him know it was me." She told me that it was a good idea. We also went over the class syllabus and did a math activity. In years passed, he has given a test on the first day of school to see what you know, but he said because we were jipped a long time of teaching, he wouldn't make us take the test. We were all relieved.

After that, I had apush, and we were given assigned seats, not based on our last name. Zoey sits in the row to the left of me, and Alaina sits behind me. My teacher is my last year's World History teacher and I liked her. We then had to turn in our summer homework, and she passed out our test. As soon as I got my test, my hand started shaking. While I was taking the test, I was like omg, I didn't study any of this stuff. So I was panicking and trying my best. I went through the test and skipped about six questions, so I went back through and reread them. Then I went through all of my answers and double-checked them. I kept my test until the bell rang and was the last to turn it in, haha.

After apush, I had lunch, so I walked with Zoey to the cafeteria. We were talking about how we thought we did and talked about the hard questions and what we put for them. I thought I had failed the test and was really nervous, and I was scared to get my results. My teacher said that she would put the results in sometime during the day. During lunch, I sat with Zoey, Olivia, Natalie, Hazel, and some random boy sat with us because he didn't have anywhere to sit. Then on the table to my right sat, Anne, Charlotte, Ally, and some random people. The table we sat at usually sits eight people, but they only allowed six people to sit at a table. They spaced the chairs "far apart" (they were like a single-arm length apart), and they put a saran wrap barrier to separate us from the people across from us. I brought mac and cheese today, so I went to the microwave, and when I walked up to it, I saw that someone left their retainer sitting on the microwave. I was like ew, and I thought that that kid's parents are going to be mad about them losing it. My sister ended up texting me during lunch and asked me how I thought I did on my apush test, and I told her awful.

After that, I had Spanish II with my last year's Spanish I assistant trainee teacher. She has now graduated and is a legit teacher. I'm super happy I'm in her class. Some of my friends got this one male Spanish teacher who seems awful. She allowed us to choose our own seats but said she would move us if we misbehave. The seats we chose are now our permanent seats, and I sit behind Natalie. During class, she showed us a presentation about herself and told us that on Monday, we would be presenting a presentation like hers. We also did Simon says in Spanish, she asked us questions about ourselves in Spanish, and we did the number game. The other class did Spanish vocab, haha, stinks for them.

After Spanish II, I had face-to-face, and I found out that one of the boys that I used to sit next to transferred schools. Zoey and I used to talk to him a lot because he's super funny. We're both sad he's gone.

Next, I had study hall, and during it, I worked on organizing my ipad. Downloading apps I'll need throughout the year, setting up folders, changing my background, and things like that. We were allowed to choose our seats, and those seats are now our permanent seats. On my right is Ally and on my left is Charlotte. Paige is also in my study hall, but she had to help a teacher during the period. I saved her a seat behind me for tomorrow.

Lastly, I had choir. My teacher this year is new, and she seems to be a ball of energy. She redecorated the classroom, and it looks really pretty.

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