6-22|The End of Sophomore Year

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"Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin. And there are many things that don't really end, anyway, they just begin again in a new way. Ends are not bad and many ends aren't really an ending; some things are never-ending."
-C. JoyBell C.
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a yellow tank top, a black jacket, jean shorts, white Birkenstock's, a butterfly necklace, and a white watch.

School ended a while ago, so this chapter is kinda overdue. I started writing this chapter soon after school ended and then I didn't end up finishing it.

For my chem final I was allowed to use an index card. However, my teacher did not make the test herself. It was a standardized test from the 90s, so some of the stuff she didn't go over the way the questions were asking. The grades for the final were overall not very good. I ended up with an A+ for my semester grade.

My Honors English final was not too bad. The only questions I missed were some about the formatting of a paper because how am I supposed to tell by looking at the paper with only my eyes. Those were the most missed questions because it's hard to tell. I ended up with an A+ for the semester.

My Honors Algebra II final was a lot. I spent the most time studying for this final. There were so many questions that you did not have time to pause or to fully check your work. I only didn't do one graphing problem, since I ran out of time. I could have done it if only I had more time. I ended with an A for the semester.

My AP U.S. History final was weird. The questions are always so random. I'm going to miss my teacher, but at least she's one of the junior class officer teacher leaders. I ended up with an A+ for the semester.

My Spanish final was broken up over the course of three days, and I thought it was pretty easy. I finished with an A+ for the semester.

My Choir final was pretty easy. I ended with an A+ for the semester.

I now am in my last week of summer school Trigonometry. I have an A+ in the class at the moment. Pretty much all of my friends ended up in the other trig class, but it's okay. I think that I got the better teacher. I sit behind Alaina who I am pretty good friends with. Behind me are a bunch of kids who are in the grade above me, and they're pretty funny. A lot of them were confused how kids in my grade were taking trig. Then they realized it's because we took Algebra I in 8th grade.

I also have been dating Elijah for two weeks now. He asked me out by writing a candy pun saying on my favorite candy, I thought it was pretty cute.

I think that I've developed good skills since starting my Sophomore year of high school. I think that I'm better at being able to do lots of tasks and working to finish in a relatively good manner of time. At the beginning, I struggled with doing the amount of math problems I was assigned, but I grew used to the roughly 80 problems a night.

I kind of am sad and nervous that my Sophomore year is over because now I have to start my Junior year, and this is an important year. I really wanted to start doing my community service hours over the summer, but I haven't gotten the chance to yet. I might start in July or if I am unable to, I'll have to wait until the school year starts.

This year was kind of strange. With having to wear masks, the physical distancing, the saran wrap barrier at lunch, and everything else. I hope that next year we are able to have a more normal school year. During summer school, we only have to wear masks if we are not facing forward. However, I wear mine during the entire class. I think that I've just grown used to it, haha.

Thanks to everyone who read my Sophomore Year and to those who have been here since my Freshman Year. I hope to write a Junior Year book and to write more often in it than I did this year. I feel like I will be able to write more since we will have more activities going on next year I believe. Thanks again!

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