2-1|The Beginning of February

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"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
-Benjamin Franklin
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a pink pajama top and white pajama pants.

I've probably talked about how bad I am this year about keeping up with my journal in the past three chapters. Sorry about that. I've probably said this too, but I really want to write at least once a week. I will try to prioritize that more.

Since my last chapter, I got a haircut. I cut about eight inches off so that was a pretty drastic change. I did not like it at first, probably for the first week. I'm not going to lie, I did cry about it for awhile. My hair hasn't been this short since probably seventh grade. My hair's really not that short at the moment, my hair just used to be very long, it used to reach the bottom of my hips; it now stops above my waist. I've gotten over it now though. I like it, it looks a lot healthier.

I ended up getting an A on my video research project for English, minus three points. The average was minus six points, at least I'm above average haha. My video was 5:30 minutes long, 30 seconds less than the maximum allowed time. I was quite surprised that I was able to speak that long about my person. I ended up buying an ebook on my Mom's iPad and primarily used that book when researching my person. I did use a few other resources though.

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