9-2|The Last Four Days

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"Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness."
-Ayn Rand
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a white 3/4 sleeve peplum shirt, high waisted jeans, platform sandals, a black mask, a gold pendant necklace, a pink watch, and a sparkly pink, green, gold, and white beaded bracelet.

In this chapter, I'm going to be telling you all of the events that have happened since Sunday. This might end up being super long, haha.

On Sunday, I made a poster that said to vote me for secretary. It looked super cute. It had a gold border, a pink watercolor poster in the middle, and then I used gold letters to put what I wanted. Then I lined the top and bottom with pearls. I didn't end up hanging it though, because no one else made one and also it took forever between it getting approved and being told where I could hang it. As I'm writing this, it is still in my locker, haha.

The previous week, I had lost my pencil pouch and didn't know where it went. So I took supplies from my home desk and put them in my backpack, so I had supplies for school. Then during second period, the girl who sits in front of me in apush, fourth period, said she had accidentally grabbed my pencil pouch. I was super happy when I saw that she had it. She said that this morning when she was packing her bag, she was confused when she saw a random pencil pouch in it. Then she said that she saw my library card with my name on it and knew it was mine.

I also had my Algebra II test on Monday. I had studied for it and believed that I was well prepared for the test. Once I was handed my test, I began to look it over. The first page had an extremely long story problem that I didn't know how to do. Then the next page were easy things, so I began with that. Then I moved onto the next page, which also were easy things (all though this is where I made some mistakes, which I'll mention in a moment.) The last page was medium difficulty.

When the bell rang to end class, I was still working on a problem. My teacher told us to turn our tests into him. Last year, my math teacher allowed us to finish the problem we were on and then turn it in. Since I was used to that, I continued working furiously. Then he said to the whole class that when he says to turn it in, he means to turn it in, which was 100% just directed towards me.

Then during face-to-face, 6th period, I checked Skyward and saw that the test results were in. I almost started crying when I saw that I got a C on the test. My grade is now at a B-, I'm now on probation. What's upsetting is this is the lowest grade I've ever had in my life. All of my other classes, I have an A+ in at the moment, and then I have a single, out of place B-.

Then all day, everyone kept asking me what I got, and I truly didn't want to tell them because of how bad it was, and I didn't even want to think about it, if I did, I would break down into tears. Charlotte was complaining that she got an A as I sat over here with my C. The average on the test was a B, and I wasn't even at average.

I'm deciding whether or not I should stay in the class. I make A's on the homework assignments, but I do awful on the quizzes and tests. I definitely don't want to drop out while my grade is still horrible. If I get below a B- at the end of the nine weeks, then I will be kicked from the class. Once the nine weeks end, even if I have a "passing grade," I can drop the class as long as I get the required signatures. My next quiz is on Wednesday of next week. I really hope I do well on it. Then the test will probably be the week after that. My teacher told us that last year's class average on the chapter two test was an F. If I got a C on Chapter One, how am I supposed to do better on later harder chapters?

In Spanish class on Monday, I was packing up my backpack because the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Then Derick, the boy who sits next to me, was holding a piece of neon-colored paper and said, "I think you dropped this." Then I looked at it, and the paper didn't look familiar, so I told him it wasn't mine. He then threw it away and left. I thought nothing of this at the time.

After school, I was working on my homework, and my sister, Raelynn, came in and started working on her's too. Then she got a message on social media from a boy who's in the grade above me. She opened it, and the boy said that his friend liked me and wanted my number. I then was thinking and remembered seeing this boy talking to Derick before I walked into class. I started wondering maybe that piece of paper he said was mine had his number on it or something.

After I realized that, I told my sister, "I think he's talking about Derick." My sister knows who Derick is. She asked me what I wanted to say and I was like I don't like him like that, and she doesn't really like him either. He is friends with her ex-boyfriend's younger brother, that's how she knows him.

On Tuesday, we reviewed our Algebra II tests. I got the long story problem wrong, then I accidentally forgot to do the second half of two of the easy problems, and then on another problem, I did it wrong.

During apush, we got into groups and were given a topic to do a project over. In my group is Zoey and Chloe. Our project is to answer a question that deals with period 3, chapter 6. We are going to film a video tomorrow and pretend that we are a news channel from that time period. Zoey and I are going to be the news anchors, and Chloe is going to be the special guest.

For apush, we went to the library so all of the groups could work on their projects. I planned to have one iPad record, and two would have our script. I put the script onto a keynote that way, we could hold our phones and use it as remote to flip through the slides. I had done this last year for a World History project. But when I tried to do it, it was glitchy, so it took 10 minutes to set up. We also were only able to set up one iPad with the script. After that, we filmed the video. During face-to-face and study hall, I worked on editing the video. We are supposed to present our project tomorrow and then have our period 3 test on Friday.

During face-to-face, we watched the Class Officer videos. There were only four people total running and everyone was running for a different position. Charlotte ran for President, Paige ran for Vice President, I ran for Secretary, and Genevieve ran for Treasurer. At the end of the day, we found out who won. Of course us four did because we were the only options. I'm super excited and I am looking forward to being class Secretary.

After school, we had cheer practice. I thought we also had pictures today because I saw the notification in remind, but they are actually next Wednesday. So I was getting ready and was about to leave the house, when Mia asked if we had to wear our bows for pictures. I responded, then got in the car and drove to the school. Mia was texting me, saying no one was there and didn't know where pictures were being held. So the both of us were there, then Mia's mom came up to our car and said that pictures are next week. Mia and I were like omg because we didn't even talk about pictures during school. We just brought up pictures like when we had to leave the house. We both just happened to make the same mistake.

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