8-28|Running for Secretary and a Bad Day

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"Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing."
-Oscar Wilde
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a gray cheer shirt, high waisted jeans, white nike air force 1's, a black mask, a pink watch, and a white Pura Vida bracelet.

Today was not one of my best days. I lost my pencil pouch, my fundraiser money, got questions wrong on my math homework, and had therapy.

The day began well, during Chemistry, we were assigned our lab partners, and I got Olivia. Also, I got A+'s on my first four Chemistry tests, so I didn't have to take the fifth one on Thursday.

In English, we were given our book we are going to be reading. Then we also played Taboo. I was in a group with Olivia, Delilah, and Kyle. Our group ended up winning against the other three groups. In the first four rounds, we rotated the jobs of who was the guesser and who was the description giver. Then the last four rounds, we had a designated description giver, and everyone became the guessers. I was the designated description giver because I had given the best descriptions for the round I was it.

Then during Algebra II is when the day turned bad. We started by grading our past two homework assignments. Both of them had extra credit opportunities. There were a total of 10 extra credit possibilities on the first one, and after I subtracted all the ones I got wrong, I ended up with only 1 extra credit point. Then on the second assignment, I didn't miss any and got all of the extra credit, which was good. After that, we were given time to work on our homework, that's review since we have a test on Monday.

Next, I had apush. Today we watched a video and then answered questions over the video. I also found out that next Friday, we will be having a test over Chapters 4-6. I went to write the test day into my calendar, so I went to grab my pencil pouch. I looked inside my backpack, and it wasn't there. I was like, oh, maybe I left it in Algebra. So after apush, I went to my Algebra II classroom and asked my teacher if he had seen it, he did not.

Then my mom texted me that she was at the school to pick me up for therapy. So I went to the Student Resources room and turned in my Secretary speech video, and I also turned in Paige's Vice President speech because she was leaving early too. Next, I went to the Office and signed out, then went to my Mom's car. My Dad was also there, so we went to therapy then ate out since I missed lunch. I also missed Spanish class, face to face, study hall, and part of Choir. I came back for the last 30 minutes of school because to be able to cheer at tonight's game, I had to be there a bit longer and also so I could look around for my pencil pouch.

When I got to choir, I handed in my fundraiser form and went to grab out the money for it and noticed it was gone, which is not good. Then after school ended, I asked my apush teacher if she had seen my pencil pouch, she hadn't. Then I went to my locker for the first time and put my chemistry book in it. Then I went back to my Algebra classroom and looked under the couch in his classroom to see if it was kicked underneath it. I sit right next to the couch. I didn't end up finding it. After that, I went to the Office and asked if someone put it in the lost and found, nope. I really hope that it turns up on Monday.

There are things inside my pencil pouch that have my name on them. My scientific calculator has my name on it, and my library card also has my name on it. So if someone looked inside, they could tell. I'm really sad that I lost it because all of my stuff inside is now gone. I had pencils, erasers, lead, pens, highlighters, and my calculator in it. When I told my Mom that my calculator was in it, she thought I meant my graphing calculator, and her eyes got so big because they're expensive. I really hope that I can get my scientific calculator back because those things are still $20, and I need it for my math test on Monday.

I decided on Tuesday that I was going to run for class Secretary. Paige is running for Vice President and Charlotte is running for President, we all decided collectively that day that we should. Then on Wednesday, I filled out the online questions and I also needed two teacher recommendations, so I asked my apush teacher and my Spanish II teacher. My apush teacher was my last year World History teacher and my Spanish II teacher was my assistant teacher in part of Spanish I. I picked them because they both knew me the best. After school on Wednesday, I wrote my speech and then on Thursday, I filmed the video. Over the weekend I'm going to make a poster to hang in the hallway.

Today we had an away football game. The bus ride was almost an hour long and we weren't allowed to sit next to people and had to have our masks on at all times. We ended up losing the game which stinks. After the game, I went out to eat with my Mom, her friend, and her friend's mom.

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