4-22|After Spring Break

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"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
-Lao Tzu
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a white long-sleeved mockneck with a black floral dress over it, white Nike air forces 1's, and a black watch.

The First Week Back
Over Spring Break, I pretty much just played Animal Crossing New Horizons, haha. I also did my English and APUSH homework. I finished my Algebra II homework on Thursday, so I didn't have any over break. (The homework was supposed to be due end of class Friday, but we had a party, and he was in a good mood, so he decided to make it due after break.) However, I wanted to study for our quiz that we were supposed to have some time during our first week back. I was going to study on Sunday, but we ended up going to my Grandma's house all day, and her house isn't the best study atmosphere.

We ended up having our quiz on Friday. I studied a good amount and felt comfortable with doing the problems. Then once I got the quiz, my brain blanked, and I almost started crying. I ended up getting a B which isn't awful, but I usually get A's on quizzes, so that kinda stinks.

Over the weekend, I hung out with Mia, Paige, and Ella. It's been 180+ days since I got my license, so I'm now allowed to drive friends in my car. I picked up Ella from her house and then drove to Mia's house to pick up Mia and Paige. We drove to go bowling, but the wait time was about an hour, and we were all pretty hungry. We decided not to go bowling and instead go to a restaurant that Ella has never been to before. We got there, and the wait was less than an hour, so we decided to go get Starbucks. Then we ate at the restaurant. Paige and Mia were both supposed to spend the night at my house (Ella couldn't because she had stuff the next day), but Paige decided not to spend the night. So I dropped everyone off and then drove Mia and me to my house.

Mia brought her Switch, so we both played Animal Crossing, talked, and watched television. In the morning, my Mom said that she wanted Starbucks, so Mia and I went to Starbucks and got drinks. Then I dropped Mia off at her house. After that, I spent pretty much the entire day working on my APUSH DBQ.

The Second Week Back
Tennis matches have started up! I won my first match 8-0!! The next day we had another match, and I won 8-3 :)

Logan texted me after my first match and asked how it went. Then the next day, before my match, he asked me what time it was because he was going to go watch. I was like, oh gosh, please don't do that. So I tried to make it obvious that I don't like him. I think it worked because he didn't end up coming and hasn't texted me back since.

On Thursday, I had an Algebra II test. I felt pretty good about it, but I was wrong again. He made two errors on the test. (He handwrites his tests.) I could not figure out how to solve one of the problems, so I guessed. About 10 minutes after I did the problem, he pointed out that he left off a number. Then I was stuck on a graphing problem because it did not look anything like problems we had done before. So I spent about 5 minutes trying to rewrite the equation into one I knew how to graph, but I could not. Then after I had started doing it, he said that he left off a variable. I was like, are you for real, class ends in less than 10 minutes, and you just now are telling us that. Then I think it was from how stressed I was because I forgot at that moment what that form was. Then once I turned in my test, I realized what it was. Very upsetting.

Usually, my math teacher grades our quizzes and tests on the same day we take them, but he did not this time. Found out during 7th period (because I'm his "assistant")  that he didn't want to grade our tests because his Algebra I kids took a test and did terrible on a lesson he taught them for three weeks.

On Friday, after tennis practice, I drove to Mia's house and picked her up so we could go get our nails done. The nail salon that I go to used to charge $20 for gel nails, but now they charge $30, which stinks. They do a really good job, though. After we got our nails done, we went to the mall and went to Claire's and Target. I was hoping that Claire's would have some cute new scrunchies in, but they had pretty much the same ones in there as when I went back in October, haha.

After that, Mia and I ate out. Mia ordered breadsticks for us, and I ordered doughnuts, among other foods; we ended up taking boxes home, it was a lot of food, haha. Then we went to the grocery store because Mia had a track meet the next day, and she needed to pick up some snacks. Then I dropped her off at her house.

The Third Week Back
On Tuesday, I had a Chemistry test that I thought that I did good on, but I ended up missing 7 points. We also got our Algebra test grades back, I got a B. I'm kinda disappointed because I usually do good on tests, but now I'm not. I had all A+'s last term, but now my grades are awful. I keep trying to tell myself that my term three and term four grades will average out on my GPA, but I still feel terrible. Our choir teacher gave us a listening test, and the average on it was an F. I did not do that good on it, so I have an A- in choir!!

On Wednesday I was supposed to have a tennis match, but it was cancelled, so I was able to go to cheer practice. We talked about uniforms, bows, what we were going to do for the elementary summer camp we were having, and about summer UCA camp wear.

During school, we took a quiz in APUSH over chapters 4-6. My teacher is quizzing us over old chapters to get us to study for the AP exam. I got 6/7, I'm sad because I missed a question because instead of writing "peace," I wrote "treaty." A question about the Boston Massacre was on it, and I was so excited because I knew the answer just from reading the date, and I didn't have to read the rest of the question. What's dumb is that Alaina missed class and doesn't have to make up the quiz. Because I missed one, my grade dropped roughly 0.3. If I wouldn't have come to class, then my grade wouldn't have gone down. I just think that it's weird that she doesn't have to make it up.

Today, Thursday, I had a tennis match, and Charlotte wasn't there. So Bridget moved up to one singles, and I moved up to two singles. (I usually play three singles). It's a good thing that Charlotte wasn't able to come because if she had, I wouldn't have been able to play. The team we played against didn't have that many girls. I won my match 8-3!! 

After I told Leo, the manager, my score, Kiara and Claire asked me how my match went. (Kiara and Claire play JV two doubles). I said that the girl I played was probably the best girl I've played yet. Then Leo said, "and you still beat her by a lot." There's nothing really special about what Leo said, but I know that Charlotte would have made a big deal about it if she were there. I don't like Leo, she just ships us together. Which I don't agree with because Paige used to date him, and I don't like Leo like that. Leo's also an assistant in my Spanish class, and we occasionally talk, and he's pretty nice.

I want to play Bridget in a match, and I need to win. I want to have the two singles spot because I'm worried that the teams we play against won't always have three girls on their team who play singles. If they don't have three singles, then I might not get to play.

During this week and last week, the other class officers and I have been preparing our fundraiser. Today we went around to all the tenth grade face-to-face rooms and told them about the fundraiser we were having and passed out order forms. Once we go to the face-to-face that Elijah is in, Charlotte kept making a deal about it. I was like bro don't make it obvious.

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