𝐊𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐘𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐨|| ‟Drawing With Yumeno‟

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𝘒𝘺𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘬𝘶 𝘠𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘰'𝘴 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭! 

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𝘒𝘺𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘬𝘶 𝘠𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘰'𝘴 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭! 

EDITED: 5/26/21

Sorry, I used he pronouns for Q it's because I didn't know that he was gender natural at first. I wanted to fix it but there are some parts were they/them/their didn't make sense with the sentence. It would be helpful if you guys could give me tips and whatnot.


It was Yumeo's birthday today but since Q is always locked up, he had no one to celebrate this year and you felt so bad because honestly you liked Q, and he liked you. You would be the only one he wouldn't curse doesn't matter what you did to him, he would always forgive you. To you, Q was a precious cinnamon roll who needs to be protected at all costs, you loved the kid. So you walked into the boss's room and went to Elise and then asked for some crayons and paper.

Elise looks back at you and gives you a smile. "Hey Y/N!" The small blond girl hugs you tightly, so you hug back and laugh. "Looks like Elise likes you too Y/N" You looked up and saw your boss, Mori Ougai. "Oh boss! Hey" You waved as the little girl let you go. "What is it that you needed?" You smiled and ruffled Elise's hair. "Actually, I need something from Elise" The girl's eyes widened and she grew excited. "What do you need Y/N!? I'll hand it right over!"

You pointed at some crayons and paper. "I need some paper and crayons, I'm visiting Q for his birthday" The girl blushes and nods, handing you pieces of paper and crayons. "Here you go!" You grabbed the things from Elise and bowed. "Thank you Elise" You looked at the stack of papers and saw a drawing of Q on top, which made you smile.

"Elise, did you draw this?" You took the drawing and showed the girl, and she grew nervous. "uuuh, ya.." The girl rubbed the back of her neck. "Could you please give it to him..?" You nodded and sat the drawing in with the papers.

"Why'd you draw him? Do you maybe have a crush on Q?" You leaned down so your face was close to Elise in a teasing manner. Her eyes widened and her face grew red as she pushed you back. "Of course not! I don't like that snotty kid!" She huffed and crossed her arms childishly, which makes you laugh.

"Ok then, but you're denying your own feelings and your love will only grow into pain" You laughed and started to walk away, but then someone grabbed your shoulder. "Hey Y/N, are you sure about this?" It was your boss, Mori. You looked back and nodded, giving the man a smile. "Of course! I love the kid!" He then sighed and nodded, letting you go. "Ok, but I'll take you there" You nodded and the both of you headed to Q's locked room.


Ounce you got there, Mori opened the door and watched you step inside. "Thanks Mori" The boss nods and closes the door hesitantly behind him. "Y/N?" Q looked up at you ounce he heard the door. "Hey Q, Happy birthday!" The white and brown haired kid smiled widely at you and ran, giving you a hug. "You remembered!? And came to visit me!?" You nodded and hugged the boy back, laughing. "Yes, I did. I wanted to make sure you weren't lonely this year, and look. I brought paper and crayons so we could draw together!" The boy's eyes light up. "Ooooh Sounds fun!"

Q sat back down by his doll and then you sat besides him. "also, Elise wanted me to give you this. She drew you for you're birthday" You handed Q Elise's drawing and he took it. It was a drawing of him, at the top of the paper there was something written in pink. Happy Birthday Q. She also put little hearts around him with a smiling face with blush, and of course he was hugging his little doll.

Just the drawing itself made the kid stare at it in awe and it also made him blush lightly. "I think she likes you Q" The boy then quickly looked up at you and watched you sit besides him. "No Y/N! I like you not her!" You're eyes widened as the boy hugged you tightly. You were socked but you still hugged him, this time he made you blush slightly. "I still love the drawing though! She did amazing!" You laughed and sat all the materials down on the ground and spreed them apart, giving you and Q a blank piece of paper.

"Here you go Q, you can draw with me" The boy looked up at you and smiled, he then grabbed a crayon and started drawing, and so did yourself. You decided to draw Q but you turned around so that he wouldn't get to peek so easily but you didn't think he cared anyways because he was too busy with his.


It was silent during the whole drawing process so when you were nearly done you started to get worried so you looked back to check up on Q and you almost died at what you saw. Q was drawing you and him sitting together and drawing, just like you were now. It was so adorable to the point you wanted to squeal and take the drawing out of his hand but you did't want to mess him up and make him mad, so you stayed quit.

Soon, you both were done so you turned around and smiled widely. "What did you draw Y/N?" Q looked at you in excitement. "I don't know if your going to love it but, I drew yourself" You smiled widely and turned the blank page over so that your drawing of Q was facing the boy. Q was so shocked at your art skill that he sat the drawing down upside down so you wouldn't see it and grabbed your drawing of him. "I-It's amazing Y/N! thank you so much!" The boy laughed and hugged you tightly, which made you blush ounce again but you still hugged him back.

"I did something for you to Y/M" The boy sat back up and grabbed the paper and handed it to her. You grabbed it and smiled brightly. "It's not as cool as yours is though.." The boy huffed and looked at your drawing of himself. The drawing was so precious to the point you teared up. "What do you mean Q? i love it, your to precious you know that?" The boy blushed and looked down with a smile on his face. "Thank you for coming Y/N..I thought that I was going to be lonely again this year.." You frowned and hugged the boy. "Awe Q..The other members are just wimps and are afraid of you, that's why your locked up.."

After the sad moment, you decided to show Q some photos of you and the Mafia, telling him stories and such, and then after you decided to have a tea party with fake things since you didn't have any materials inside. It was still fun though and it made Q's day, that's all that matters to you. As long as he was happy on his birthday. Ounce Mori came over to come get you, you gave Q one last hug goodbye and rubbed his head. "Sorry I can't stay longer.." The boy sighs. "It's ok.. I understand why you have to leave..it was still fun playing with you Y/N" You sighed and let go, waving goodbye to the birthday boy as you walked out. "Happy Birthday Q"


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