𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢/𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚|| ‟Don't End Your Life‟

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𝐓𝐖-There will be mentions of suicide, and a suicide attempt

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𝐓𝐖-There will be mentions of suicide, and a suicide attempt

There was gossip, A LOT of it. Apparently Atsushi was just cheated on by his girlfriend. They've been dating for a year or so and she just suddenly broke up with him. So for the past week, he's not been in the mood, and he's been depressed. He hasn't been eating, he's been falling asleep during class, etc.

And of course, Atsushi's secret admire noticed, Akutagawa. He was worried to but he was too shy to go up to him and see if he was ok. He wanted to deeply though. He just couldn't. But one Friday afternoon, Atsushi went to the cafeteria for lunch, and he actually ordered something. And everyone was surprised, when the were-tiger walked to his seat, everyone stared at him and started to whisper. Which made the boy's anxiety rise.

He sat down and took a deep sigh. "Well...Today's the day..might as well have my last meal of my life.." The were-tiger graded his hamburger and took a bite. "Umm, pretty good I guess..." Then out of no where, the were-tiger was frightened by the suicidal maniac himself, and the class clown Dazai Osamu.

"Hey Nakajima Atsushi, feeling better today?!" The man leaned in, close to his face to the point they were almost touching noses, but the white haired boy backed away slightly. "Um...I'm not so sure.." Dazai smiled and patted the back of him roughly. "Well, hope you get well soon kid. Sorry about what happened by the way" Atsushi swallowed his food and nodded, and watched Dazai walk away over to his friend group's table, leaving Atsushi all by himself.


Over at Kunikida's table, he was talking about Atsushi and how he over heard him talking about committing suicide. Which made everyone worried but also carious to the point were they wanted to watch the action. Ya terrible right?

Of course, thus news got spread around quickly, but it was quiet when it came to the adults so that they wouldn't intrude his attempt. And also, Akutagawa heard about this and was EXTREMELY worried for the boy he held close to his heart, he didn't know it yet but he soon will.

It was break time after lunch, which was the perfect time for a suicide attempt so he snuck up to the roof of the school and walked over to the edge, and then he looked down. His anxiety kicking in again. 'Should I do this..? Or will I regret it..?' Atsushi bit his lip and closed his eyes, but then...

"JUMP! JUMP!" The boy's eyes shot open and he heard cheering and chanting telling him to jump. Be looked behind himself and saw a whole group of high school kids pumping up there fists. 'W-why are they c-cheering!?' The boy's eyes had tears in them but he decided to man up. So he turned around to face the edge and he gulped.

'If you do this..your pain will end..' He took a deep breath and started to lean forward, but then... "NO!! STOP!!" But it was too late, Atsushi was already falling off the building. Akutagawa started to panic so the only thing he could think of to do was jump with him and try to catch him and wish for the best.

Akutagawa heard 'wohos' and 'he really did it!?' Which made him angry to the fullest. The black coated male soon reached Atsushi and so, he hugged him tightly. Atsushi opened his eyes and saw the male with a surprised look. "A-Akutagawa?..." The male didn't remove his head from the were-tigers shoulder after hearing his name. He wanted Atsushi to live so he twirled around so that he would hit the ground and not the were-tiger. "Live Jinko, no matter how much pain your going through you'll endure it. You'll win and go through it" Akutagawa hugged the boy before they hit the ground. 


Atsushi opened his eyes and sat up, hearing the sound of a buzz. A heart monitor. "W-what happ- AKU!" The were-tiger tried to get up but then he realized that he was connected with cords. "AKUTAGAWA! AKUTAGAWA RYUNSUKE!!" Atsushi cried, the realization hitting him. "It's my fault! It's all my!-" "A-Atsushi!" The male looked at the door and saw the black haired male at the door, in a wheel chair that is. "A-Are you ok!? I'm so sorry!" Akutagawa slightly smiled but it was a quick one and headed over to the white haired boy. How are you were-tiger?"

Atsushi reached his hands out towards the cloaked male until he reached him. But then he noticed all the bandages around his head. "I-I'm so sorr-" Akutagawa covered Atsushi's lips with his finger and smiled lightly. "It's ok" The were-tiger teared up and hugged the cloaked male. "I'm so grateful! T-Thank you!" Akutagawa nodded and patted the boy's back. "You were depressed, you didn't know what else to do and you wanted to end your suffering"

Atsushi nodded and whipped his eyes. "I'm just glad that you didn't get my injuries" Atsushi laughed lightly and blushed. "S-Sorry.." The male shook his head. "Don't worry about it, also some kids got caught cheering you on for suicide so they got suspended"

Atsushi whipped the rest of his tears and nodded. "T-Thank you.." Akutagawa nodded and bit his lip. "Also..I kinda........." The male looked down and felt his face get warm. "I l-love you Jinko.." Atsushi's eyes widened and his face grew red.

"I know your probably not ready for a relationship...but I....kinda want to try and start something....I mean if that's ok with you of course..!" Atsushi smiled lightly and hugged Akutagawa. "I-I can try one more time I guess..I kinda trust you.." Akutagawa blushed and hugged the were-tiger back. "I love you Aku, I mean...I can call you that right?" The male nodded and rubbed the white haired boy's head. "Yes of course, and I love you too were-tiger"

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