[𝘊𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘱 𝘈𝘜]𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚

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This was an idea I had a while ago, I'm honestly glad I wrote it down in my last BSD one shots book

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This was an idea I had a while ago, I'm honestly glad I wrote it down in my last BSD one shots book. BTW, Akutagawa will be wearing the same outfit as the photo at the top. Thought it would be cute.


While you were washing the dishes, you realized that a brand new coffee shop just opened up from across your house. It was your neighborhood's cafe, which smelled delicious whenever you walked outside. So you decided to go once you were finished. You put all the dishes away and dried them off. You then changed into fitting cloths and grabbed your purse/backpack and headed out.

You quickly got there, since it was across the street, but once you walked inside you saw a male wearing black trying to order, he was a dreamy looking man in your eyes, black also suited the male. You decided to walk behind him in order to go in line, and now you could here his voice clearly.

"Sorry, I forgot my wallet at home, sorry to intrude.." The black haired male bowed and sighed before turning and headed to the exit, closing the door behind him. "Awe, poor guy" You sighed slightly and a light bulb lit up inside your head. Since you were next to order, you'll pay for his things for him.

"Hey miss, what did the other guy order, I'd like to pay for it for him" The cashier looked at you and smiled. "Well, what a kind lady you are, the male ordered a black tea with cinnamon bun. You nodded and took out your wallet. "Alright how much?" The cashier told you the pay and you took out your card, having the cashier swipe it.

"Do you want something miss?" You thought for a moment, but you decided not to sine you could anytime before it closed. It was across from your house after all. You shook your head and smiled. "No thank you, I'll come for myself another time" The cashier nodded and waved, you waved back and left.

"Now, where could he of walked off too, it shouldn't be to far. You looked around and saw the neighborhood park and decided to check it out. You wanted to find him quickly so that his tea wouldn't get cold.

While walking around, you soon realize that you were standing were the biggest tree was, so you smiled and blushed slightly. The tree was very beautiful. You looked behind you and blushed more, seeing the male sitting down at the bench, looking down.

"Um..Sir" You walked up to him and then you saw him look up at you. "Who are you" You looked down slightly and revealed your hands from behind your back. "I kinda bought your order for you, here you go" The man blushed and grabbed his black tea and cinnamon bun.

"I um..thanks" The man looked down looked down at his order and smiled slightly. "Thank you.." You nodded and smiled slightly. "Here.." The man took out a piece of paper and handed it to you. "What's this?" You looked down and blushed, seeing the numbers on the paper.

"My phone number..Thank you.." The man bowed, making you blush even more. "I-Um...No problem, you don't have to be formal about this!" Akutagawa gave you a small smile and blushed also. "I'll pay you back," You laughed nervously and rubbed the back of your neck.

"No need, I'm good" You blushed more and looked down. "O-Ok" Akutagawa nodded. "Text me any time I guess, If I don't answer then I'm busy, sorry about that" You nodded. "It's ok," Akutagawa nodded, he knew that he's missing something but he doesn't know what.

"I'm Y/N L/N btw," That was it, his name! "I um, my name's Akutagawa" You smiled and blushed lightly. "I like your name," The male slightly blushes. "thank you," The both of you said your goodbyes and you headed home.

On the way, you added Akutagawa's phone number into your contacts. And named him as "Aku💞" You laughed to yourself and walked into your home, and this time you saw your mother. "Hey Y/N, where did you go?" You sat down on the couch and smiled in a lovey dovey way. "I went to the new coffee shop today,"

Your mom smiled and sat besides you. "How was it sweetie? Was the food good?" You looked up at your mom and blushed, picturing Aku in your mind. "I did't get anything yet," Your mom tilted your head. "Ha? Why?" "I helped this guy instead, he wanted some black tea and a cinnamon bun, but he forgot his wallet so I decided to buy them for him"

Your mom smiled and ruffled your hair. "That's my girl, always helping out others in need," You smiled. "Thanks mom," "So, did you think he was cute?" Your face turned completely red at your moms comment. "Mother!" You hid your face in your hands. "Ha! So you do!" You looked up at your mom and smiled.

"He even gave me his phone number as a gift," You mom smiled proudly. "Good job, I'm very proud can't wait to meet him" Your mom gave you a big smile which made you blush slightly. "I don't know when that'll be mom, we're not close yet" You laughed slightly and looked down. "True true," You looked up at the ceiling and imagined all the future possibilities with your new crush. Akutagawa, first name unknown, for right now at least. 

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