𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚|| ‟Let's cuddle!‟

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You and Ranpo just finished a hard days work at the last crime scene, you were Ranpo's 'Assistant' but the childish man denies it, he just needs you for his way back and forth

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You and Ranpo just finished a hard days work at the last crime scene, you were Ranpo's 'Assistant' but the childish man denies it, he just needs you for his way back and forth. But you knew that you mean more to him, you could see it in his emerald green eyes, but he denies that too. But yo don't take it personal. He's lying to himself, you just know it.

The man groans on and starts to slow down. "When are we going to be back to my house, my legs are aching," You looked back at the boy and sighed and then gave him a small smile. "We're almost there, promise" And then an idea hit. "Hey, want me too carry you on my back Ranpo, I'm sure you'll enjoy it"

The man smiled and nodded, jumping on your back with no hesitation. You almost lost your balance since you weren't expecting his fast reaction. "Woh!" You giggled and got a good grip on the mans legs. "Are you comfortable?" "Yup! Thank you!" You nodded and smiled. "Ok, where on the way"

Then you headed off towards Ranpo's small apartment. You were blushing all the way over though because the mans face was close to your, and he was lying against your neck. Soon, you see the outline of the mans house which made you slightly relieved. "Alright," You stepped on the boys porch and sat his feet back on the ground.

"Awe, I don't wanna get off!" Ranpo tried to jump on again but you told him no, the boy sighed and nodded, looking down in a sad manner. You looked back at him after unlocking his door. "Alright, I'm heading off" You stepped down a stair but then your arm was grabbed, you looked back at the boy and tilted your head.

"yes?" The boy pulled you into his arms, giving you a nice warm hug. "Don't go, I want you to stay over, I'm always bored and lonely" You smiled slightly and hugged Ranpo back. "Fine, I'll stay I guess," The man cheered and grabbed your hand, pulling the both of you inside and closing the door behind you. "Let's watch movies, eat snacks, and cuddle! I'll even share my sweets with you!"

You blushed and giggled. "Ranpo, all you do is eat snacks, you need a balanced diet" The man shook his head. "Snacks are all I need," The man ran over to his kitchen but you followed him, blocking his way to the entrance. "No Ranpo, dinner first and then you can eat all the snacks you want, and do you even brush your teeth?"

Ranpo nodded. "Every night," You sighed in relief. "No wonder why your teeth are still good even after eating sweets all day, that's good" The man smiled, showing his clean teeth. "How about this, I'll make you a small meal and if you eat it, I'll stay the night but if not then I'll leave. Is that a deal?" Ranpo's eyes widened at you, and he frowned. "Do I really?"

You nodded. "Yes, That's the only way I'l stay is if you eat properly while I'm here, I'm worried about your health and diet" Ranpo huffed and plopped on the living room couch. "No one's ever worried about the great detective" You got the ingredients together for a healthy sandwich. "At least eat a sandwich with vegetables on it, it's delicious and we're do you get these if you only eat snacks?"

"The President goes shopping for me ounce every month," You smiled slightly and walked to the living room table near Ranpo. "The President's even worried Ranpo, please eat wiser" Ranpo watched you make both of you a sandwich, it did kind look a little good to the male. "And..done!" You smiled and handed Ranpo his sandwich and sat down besides him. "At least try it," You bit into the sandwich and hummed i delight. "Delicious,"

Ranpo took a bite of the sandwich and his eyes lit up, it was delicious. "mmmm" The man swallowed and smiled over at you. "I like it," You smiled. "See, I told you" You took a bite and the both of you continued to eat, soon you guys finished them.

"Time to cuddle!" You took the last bite and then you were immediately pushed down onto the bed. "R-Ranpo!" The man dig his face into your chest and he hummed. "I love you," And then...he falls asleep. The obs he had to do today must've exhausted the poor man, but...you remembered the words he said before falling asleep, and then you silently screamed. 

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