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Katsuki got out of the car and stared at the house infront of him speechless 'Its perfect...'

Mitsuki stood next to Katsuki with a smirk "No words huh? It looks amazing don't it"

"I do hope you like it" Masura said standing on the other side of Katsuki "I hope Izuku likes it too"

"Wait why just show me?" Katsuki asked.

"Well" Masura started.

"We had this idea" Misuki said with a smile.


"Yes...perfect....okay sounds good...thank you bye!" Izuku hung up the call and squealed "I AM SO HAPPY!!!"

"IZUKU I SAW THE LIVE!!!" The twins both shouted as they slammed the door open.

Izuku gave them a big smile and they ran up the stairs then gave Izuku a hug.

"Your dream is coming true!" Kei shouted.

"I'm happy for you" Mike said.

"My dreams coming true...wow" Izuku said not believing what's happening.

"Izuku, I'm so glad this is happening to you!"

Izuku broke the hug and looked behind the twins and saw "Momo?" Izuku said confused "I didn't know you were coming over"

"Oh I'm sorry for not telling you but I wanted to hang out with Mikei today" Momo said with a small blush.

Izuku raised a brow and looked at Mikei to see a small blush on his face as he looked away. Izuku knew what was happening and smirked "Ah I see, well you two can go hang out" Izuku pushed Mikei close to Momo "Have fun!"

"O-oh okay then um bye congrats again" Momo said before walking down the stairs.

Mikei glared at Izuku "We'll be going then" he said as nicely as he can.

Izuku chuckled as she watched them leave her room "They would make a good couple huh?" Izuku asked Kei.

"They would" Kei smiled "I'm glad Mikeis moving on"

Izuku nodded "He seems happy now" Izuku smiled.

"Okay, okay enough of that! Tell me about that agent, did he call you?" Kei asked while taking a seat on the bed with Izuku.

"Ah yes he called and said he wants to meet at the cat Cafe next week!" Izuku shouted excited.

"Girl when you become famous I better be one of your dancers" Kei said flipping his non-existing long hair.

Izuku giggled "Of course you'll be one! How can I not have my favorite dancer on stage with me...don't tell Kacchan I said that" izuku whispered at Kei.

Kei crossed his heart "I won't" he laughed. Soon after his phone started ringing, he checked who it is and it read "Sero❤" "Sorry Izu, I gotta take this" he said as he stood up.

Izuku smiled "No problem, go talk to your boyfriend can't keep him waiting" she chuckled and Kei smiled then gave her a hug before leaving.

Izuku checked the time and noticed it's almost 6pm 'Wonder what happened to Kacchan?' She thought then let out a yawn "I should sleep for a bit" Izuku stood up from her bed and put away anything that was on it. When she was done putting everything away she laid down and put on some lofi music to help her sleep faster then knocked out a few minutes later.


Katsuki just got back to the Yagi household from being with his parents. He got out of his car and walked into the house to see Momo "Ponytail? The hell you doing here?"

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