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Izuku stared at the house in amazement "This looks beautiful...."

(The house)

Izuku thought for a moment before smirking "No way nah-uh your messing with me" she chuckled "So where is the gift?" She asked

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Izuku thought for a moment before smirking "No way nah-uh your messing with me" she chuckled "So where is the gift?" She asked.

Katsuki chuckles as he graved Izukus hand and pulled her toward the front of the house "Bunny, this is your gift" he said pulling out the house key and showing Izuku.

Izukus eyes widen "Wait so...your telling me...you bought this huge ass house!?" Izuku shouts in shock "H-how much was it! Why didn't you ask me to help with the mo-"

"Babe chill out I didn't buy it, the old man and hag did, your parents also helped. I did buy some things but that's all" Katsuki said as he inserts the key into the keyhole and unlocks the door "Well welcome to out new place" he said opening the door and moving to the side so Izuku can walk in.

Izukus eyes sparkled as she walks in "Kacchan..." she mumbled "I can't believe it..." she turns to Katsuki with a big smile on her face "Can I look around! Can I!? Can I!?" She shouts.

Katsuki closes the door and graves Izukus hand "It's our home so I guess you can look around" he chuckled as he walked Izuku to a room.

Katsuki took Izuku all around the house showing her everything. Izuku loves how the place is designed, she is really happy and can't wait to sleep with Katsuki in there new home.

"Last room" Katsuki smirked as he looks at Izuku.

"Is it another studio!" Izuku shouted in excitement.

"Oh no it's better then a studio, Deku (ITS FROM JAPAAAAAAN!....sorry um...ya let's do that again)

Katsuki chuckled "Deku, we already have two studios in here" he said and Izuku giggled. Katsuki shook his head with a low chuckle "I think you should open this one" he told Izuku.

Izuku wasn't gonna question it she just walked over to the door and put her hand on the door nob turning it open. Izuku opens the door with a smile wondering what this room is gonna be.

Izukus smile fell as soon as she seen the room "Wha-...." she walks more into the room and looked around.

Katsuki followed Izuku in with a worried look on his face 'Fuck she's not saying anything...' He thought "U-uh bunny?" He called but only got low sniffles "Bunny?" He called again but put both hands on Izukus shoulders.

Izuku quickly turns around and hugged Katsuki "I love it..." she whispered "I love  it, I love it....thank you Kacchan" she said as she cried.

Katsuki softly smiles as he held Izuku "I'm glad you liked it, it took awhile getting this baby room ready" he chuckled.

Izuku giggles as she wipes her tears away and breaks the hug "Well this looks like an amazing room for the twins" she smiles.

(The baby room)

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