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Sorry for any mistakes I rushed this one


Katsuki walked into Izuku's room going up the stairs to be met with a confused and happy Izuku.

"Kacchan? You came back fast!" Izuku said with a happy smile on her face as she hopped infront of Katsuki "I thought you would have came back later? What happened?"

Katsuki kisses Izukus head then ruffles her hair "Just the idiots making trouble but that doesn't matter..." He smiles at Izuku "I want to cuddle with my bunny~"

Izuku smiles but that smile falls when she remembers something "I almost forgot we have to go to that meeting" she said letting out a sigh.

Katsuki sighs as well "So I'm able to go too?" He asked and Izuku nods with a small smile "Well I'll have to cross out that pop star off my list" Katsuki said as he walked over to Izukus bed and plopped himself on it.

Izuku giggles as she walks over to her closet and starts to take out her clothes to wear "You should cross out your friends from that list"

Katsuki looked at Izuku confused "I added my friends on that list? I don't remember doing that" He smirks and Izuku sighed but laughed.

(Mini time skip)

"Do I look alright? Is my hair to curly? Do I look weird with these clothes on? Do I look fat? Is she gonna like me? Would she not want to talk to me once she sees me? Am I not gonna be good enou-" Izukus rambling gets interuppted by a pair of lips on hers.

Izuku calms down and melts into the kiss. After a few seconds pass they break the kiss and Izuku opens her eyes to see Katsuki in front of her.

"You really need to stop overthinking" Katsuki said with a sigh as he graved Izukus hand "Just be yourself and don't get to nervous" he said with a small smile as he looked at Izuku.

Izuku gulped then took in a deep breath and exhaled "Okay I got this!" She said with determination. Izuku knocks on the office door and waited.

The door opened to show a happy Akito "Oh Izuku! Your here and with your fiancée amazing!" Akito happily said opening the office door more to let the couple walk in.

When they walked in they both saw the famous pop star seated at the round table. Katsuki just looked around the room and Izuku was quietly being a fan girl as she smiles and waves at Mayu Susuki.

Mayu stood up and walked over to the couple and bowed down a bit to greet them "Hello it's nice to finally meet you"

Izuku bowed down a bit too "H-hello! It's great to meet you too" Izuku nervously said. She turned to look at Katsuki to see him not listening so she graved his head and made him bow down as well "We are both glad to meet you" she smiles.

"Babe what the fuck" Katsuki curses which Izuku returns a slight smack on the back of his head. Katsuki groans and let's out a sigh "Yeah its nice to meet you..." he grumbles.

Mayu laughes "You two are an adorable couple!" She said with a smile on her face "I still can't believe I'm meeting the best singer on YouTube! Your songs are amazing! I love your dancing too!" Mayu excitedly shouted as she graved one of Izukus hands.

Izuku blushes in embarrassment and chuckles "I had no idea you watched my videos" she said letting out a small laugh "But I'm the one that should be happy to meet the number one best pop star in Japan! I've been listening to your music since I was a kid! Your amazing!" Izuku said shaking Mayus hand.

Katsuki and Akito just stood there and watched the two talk and talk.

Akito let's out a chuckle "So when is Izuku due?" He asked Katsuki.

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