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"You got everything?" Katsuki asked Izuku as he graved her bag filled with her things.

Izuku looked around the room before turning to Katsuki and giving him a big bright smile "Yup!" She said happily "Now let's get the hell out of this place" she walked passed Katsuki and opened the door then walked out the room with Katsuki following behind her.

Once Katsuki finished on doing the paper work to discharge Izuku (Izuku didn't want to do it) they left and went straight to Izukus perants house.

Katzuki opens the door for Izuku and she walks in "Kacchan...." Izuku called Katsuki as she watched him put Izukus bag down next to the entrance of the house before looking over at Izuku with a questionable look when he noticed her blushing facial expression "I'm hungry..." Izuku mumbles out as she looked down embarrassed.

Katsuki chuckled as he walks over to Izuku and ruffled her hair "I'll make you Kasudon, okay?" He said in a sweet tone as he bent down a bit to be eye level with Izuku.

Izukus face expression changes in seconds once she heard the word 'Kasudon'. Her eyes were bright and happy same with her smile. She started to pull on Katsukis shirt and pointed at the kitchen "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Izuku repeated.

Izukus behavior reminded Katsuki of a child which made him laugh "Okay let's go" he said with a smile as he graved Izukus hand and took her to the kitchen.

Katsuki cooked Kasudon while Izuku watched from the counter and talked to him about everything and nothing.

The couple had ate then soon after went to take a nap. For the rest of the day they spent it with just laying together doing nothing, watching movies on Izukus laptop, or listening to calming music.

The couple ate dinner then waited a while before finally going to sleep, both making sure the other is with them. They held each other as if one will just disappear which they know wouldn't happen but...it's possible and they don't want it to happen.

(Next morning)

Izuku shifts in bed a bit before fully opening her eyes, she looked next to her to see a sleeping Katsuki, Izuku smiles slowly sliding a strand of Katsukis hair to the back of his ear. It feels like forever for Izuku since she last woke up seeing a peaceful Katsuki next to her. She missed this...and she wished for this not to end but of course something had to interrupt.

Izuku jumps at the sudden ringing. Once she noticed it was Katsukis phone she let out a sigh of relief and chuckled "That got me" she quietly said to herself as she reached for Katsukis phone on the night stand. When she graved it she checked the caller ID and it read 'old hag' Izuku sweat drops with a nervouse smile "Still the same as always" she said as she answered the phone.


"Oi bra- wait...Izukuuuu! Honey how are you?"

Izuku chuckled when she heard Mitsukis nervousness through the phone "I'm doing pretty good, what about you? It's been a while since I seen you and uncle Masura"

"Oh I've been good, I've been good...Izuku, I heard about what happened the other day...are you sure your okay?"

Izuku stood quiet for a moment and looked at Katsuki one more time before getting out of bed and going down the stairs to the bottom area of her room.

"Auntie...I..." Izuku couldn't find the right words to describe the way she felt. Don't get her wrong she's happy but also sad? In pain?

"Izuku, come on talk to me, just tell me what's on your mind, maybe it'll help"

Izuku took a deep breath then let it out before speaking "Its just...when I was unconscious I thought I had died....I thought I had killed...my own children....and what if I woke up but they didn't make it....what would everyone think when they look at me? Would they still see me as Izuku Midoeiya the girl who has a great life or....Izuku Midoriya the girl who killed her own kids..." Izuku covers her mouth as she let out a sob. Izuku felt okay now that she had told someone about this but...she can't really stop thinking about it.

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