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Katsuki watched as the two girls left to the restroom. He sighed as he looked down this caught the three guys attention and they all focused on Katsuki.

"Yo, dude are you okay?" Sero asked first.

Katsuki looks at Sero for a second before looking away and huffing "Shut up I'm fine"

"I don't think you are" Kaminari said with a bit of a worry tone in his voice.

"Yeah, you haven't been um explosive today...did something happen?" Kirishima asked putting a hand on Katsukis shoulder.

Katsuki looked over at his friends then let out a small sigh. He opens his mouth to speak but gets interuppted by some female that stops infront of there table.

"Oh my god hi!"

The groups eyes widen slowly looking over at the female remembering that bubbly voice, short brunette hair, and big brown eyes. The groups thoughts were going wild, thinking on why the hell she's here and remembering what happened back in high school. Not a happy memory.

"Ah, look who it is....Katsuki. Bakugou. You know I really did have the biggest crush on you back in high school, oh and you know what!" The women said jumping a bit as she asked not really expecting an answer "I think I still might have a crush on you"

Katsuki growled finally asking the question the rest of the group is wondering "What the hell are you doing here psycho!?"

"Oh so you do remember me!" Uraraka jumped happily "Have you been thinking about me for the past few years I was gone? Oh that makes me so happy" she quietly but loudly said as she let a slight blush cover her cheeks.

Katsuki stared at her disgusted at her words and actions "What the fuck!? Why the hell would I be thinking about your bitch ass! Just get the hell out of here!" He said as he turned to look away but Uraraka stops him and sits on his lap "What the hell bitch get of-"

Uraraka cuts off Katsuki by Kissing him 'Oh please tell me your seeing this Midoriya, I know your there. See how easy it is to take your boyfriend...All. For. My....self' Uraraka internally laughs.

"Izuku! Wait!"

Hearing this Katsuki breaks out of his shock and pushes Uraraka off him. He stood up and looked out the coffee shop window to see a crying Izuku quickly walking away.


Kaminari let out a low gasp before quickly standing up and running after Izuku "Get in your car and I'll send a location when I get to her!" Kaminari shouted as he ran.

Katsuki was trying to process what happened as he quickly did what he was told, he didn't even care he was being told to do something by someone, he just wants to get Izuku and explain everything.


"He lied" Izuku quietly said as she wiped her tears "He lied" she said again quickening her pace "He lied!" Izuku took a turn into an allyway and stopped there to catch her breath. She covered her face as she broke down crying "Why...."


Izuku jumped at hearing her name being called from afar but she chose to ignore it 'No...go away' she thought as she hugged herself.

"Izuku! Where are you!"

'Ignore him'


'No...' Izuku turned to the street to see Kaminari run pass the allyway as he continued to call out for Izuku.

Izuku let out a shaky breath "...I want to go home" she whispered to herself. She took out her phone and dialed a number then hitting the call button. She waited for a while before the other person finally answered.

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