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So I wanted to clear out something Izukus stomach is this big (photo above) but she thinks she's already really fat because of her hormones.
I forgot to say this last chapter sorry.

Also I noticed on my last chapter I didn't add a title so I'm not gonna add one from now on.

Still need Ideas.
I want to know where you guys want this story to go.

Sorry for any mistakes!


"Are they fine?" Izuku asked the doctor as he checked his clipboard. Izuku had to be getting check ups about once every other week just to check for the babies and her health.

The doctor gave Izuku a smile as he looked at her "All three of you are healthy"

Izuku let out a sigh "That's good" she said as she looks at Katsuki who's standing next to her holding her hand. Izuku looks back at the doctor again to ask a question "And when will they start kicking?"

The doctor thought about it for a while then looked at both parents? "Maybe by next month"

After they were done Izuku and Katsuki made there way to Katsukis car in comfortable silence. Katsuki helped Izuku get in the car and then got in himself.

"So...I wanted to take you somewhere..." Katsuki said as he started his car after buckling up.

"Hm? And where do you want to take me?" Izuku asked as she looked at Katsuki after putting her seatbelt on.

Katsuki looked at Izuku and smiled "Somewhere you haven't been at for a while" he said then looked back at the road and started driving.

Izuku looked at him confused "Somewhere I haven't been at for a while...?" She thought about it for a while then looked at Katsuki "The ice cream shop?"

Katsuki chuckled "No" he said glancing at Izuku to see her pout "Why are you so cute"

Izuku blushed and giggled "K-kacchan, I am not"

Katsuki glanced one more time at Izuku and smiled 'Today is the day I finally do it'

(Time skip)

"We're almost there and I can't let you see anything so can you do me a favor and put on that blindfold?"Katsuki said pointing at a blindfold next to Izuku.

Izuku giggled "I'm getting kidnapped aren't I?" She said as she graved the blindfold and starts to put it on "Its okay though as long as I know it's someone hot I'm fine with it" Izuku smiles as she finished tying the cloth around her eyes.

Katsuki blushed a bit "S-shut up Deku, don't just say that so calmly"

"Oh? Is Kacchan blushing?" Izuku smirked turning her head to Katsuki "Kacchan, is cute when he blushes...I want to see" Izuku pouts looking away crossing her arms. She felt the car stop moving then a hand on her chin making her move her head to the side "Kacc-mmhh!" Izuku was cut of by a sudden kiss which she melted into a second later.

They broke the kiss breathing heavy while blushing. Izuku moves her hands up to Katsukis face to feel his cheeks warm "Kacchans, blushing more!" Izuku shouted with a giggle.

Katsuki chuckles and kisses Izukus cheek then moved back "Okay were here. I'm gonna lead the way so let me help you out first"

Katsuki helped Izuku off the car and leaded her to a path. Izuku started to get impatient so she would ask Katsuki from time to time if there at the spot.

"Are we there yet?" Izuku asked once again and Katsuki let's out a sigh.

"Deku, I swear to god if you ask one more time we are turning back" Katsuki threatened softly.

"...." Izuku stood quite for a while then moved closer to Katsuki "...Are we there yet?" She said again as she laughed.

Katsuki groans then let out a small chuckle. He saw something ahead of them and smiled "We're here, finally won't have to hear your wining"

"Hey! I'm right here!" Izuku pouted looking the other way "Stupid Kacchan, can I take off the blindfold?"

Katsuki looked around the spot 'Okay...thays good...that too...perfect!' He turned to Izuku and moved behind her "You can take it off..." he whispered softly to her.

Izuku giggles a bit as she started taking off the blindfold. Once she fully took it off she saw this incredible view of the city Musutafu "Kacchan..." Izuku starts walking closer to see more of the view "This is...beautiful"

Katsuki walks next to Izuku and looks at her to see a smile on her face "Yeah it is beautiful...Izuku..." Katsuki softly called Izuku as he put his hand in his jacket pocket taking out a red box.

Izuku looks at Katsuki to see him going down on one knee 'Oh my god...' Izuku can already feel tears going down here face "Kacchan...."

Katsuki graved Izukus hand then started his unprepared speech "Izuku, first of all I found a ring heh" Katsuki let out a chuckle and Izuku giggles "Second, I want this ring to remind you of my love for you, my love that would never change in a million years. I want this ring to also be a warning that no other guy can have you but me hah....Izuku, I'll love you forever and ever that's not gonna change, so...Izuku Midoriya Yagi.... will you marry me..." Katsuki said as he opened the box to reveal a emerald engagement ring.

(The ring imagine it's emerald😅)

Izuku sobs and nods her head so many times without saying a word

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Izuku sobs and nods her head so many times without saying a word. Katsuki put the ring on Izukus finger then stood up and cupped her face wiping her tears.

"I love you, bunny" Katsuki whispered before kissing Izuku passionately and she kissed back.

Izuku broke the kiss and smiled up at Katsuki "Kacchan, I love you, I love you so much!" She said as she cried more.

Katsuki wiped Izukus tears away with his thumb then kissed her forehead "I love you too, Izuku. Do you like the ring?" Katsuki asked pulling up her hand that had the ring.

Izuku looks at the ring and nodded "I love it, it looks beautiful! When did you get?" Izuku asked looked up at Katsuki.

"I got it a month ago..." Katsuki said staring at the ring while caressing Izukus hand. Katsuki then looks at Izuku and spoke again "Do you want to stay here for a while or leave?"

Izuku looks over at the view and moved closer to Katsuki "Lets stay here for a while..."

Katsuki smiles then looked at the view too "Okay my love..."


I'm sorry for the huge wait!
I was gonna finish and publish this last week but got writers block and once I found an idea I had an essay I needed done in a week so I had to work on that!

😭I'm so so so sorry😭
I'll work on this again I promise

And I know this is a short chapter but I wanted it to just be about the proposal so yeah.

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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