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"Ah, Ms. Midoriya, hello how are you?" Akito greeted Izuku as she took a seat across from him.

"Oh please don't be so formal, call me Izuku, Mr. Fukuda" Izuku said waving her hands infront of her with a nervous smile.

"Of course, then you can just call me, Akito. First things first, would you like to order anything?" Akito asked Izuku which she agreed to. The both of them ended up getting drinks, Akito bought a coffee and Izuku, bought tea.

"Okay now about what you wanted to talk about" Izuku started and Akito stood quiet ready to listen to what she's thinking "I've been dreaming of this day since I was a kid so I know I won't decline this offer but...how long will it take for me to get noticed?"

"Oh not long, since you already have a bunch of internet fans, you'll get noticed quick" Akito smiled "Do you have any concerns?"

"Actually um I don't know if you already know but I'm about two months and a half pregnant and I just wanted to know if there's anything that can harm my babies?" Izuku nervously asked.

"Oh no, no they will be okay, you won't have to do anything that can end up harming them" Akito said which made a small smile spread on Izukus lips.

Both continued to talk for a few hours. Izuku was told that she will be having a lot of work to do but it will be worth it at the end. Akito gave Izuku a schedule for the dates they will have to meet. They both just continued to get to know each other a little more after they were done with the business talk.

(Time skip)

"Next month correct?" Akito asked Izuku as he graved his things and stood up.

"Yes, it was great meeting you today. Have a good afternoon" Izuku said giving the agent a small smile and bow.

Akito gave Izuku a bow and said his goodbyes then took his leave, leaving Izuku seated alone.

Izuku giggled "Kacchan, you can come out know" she said as she crossed her arms.

"Wha-! I- how-"

Izuku looks behind her and gave him a serious look "I heard you on the phone with your crew and you asked the worker for a black coffee"

Katsuki stood up and took off his beenie and sunglasses "Come one it could have been someone else that likes black coffee" he said as he took a seat across from Izuku "And how do you know I was on the phone with those shitheads?"

"You seriously quietly shouted 'Fuck you shitty hair!' And said 'I'll kill you Pikachu!' So I thought 'Oh I know those nicknames, what's Kacchan doing here?'" Izuku said with a small giggle "Now tell me why your here?"

Katsuki leans back and crosses his arms "No fucking reason...just wanted to make sure the extra wasn't an old man pretending to be a agent or something..." he quickly said but Izuku still caught everything he said and giggled.

"Kacchan, you think about that to much. You need to calm down nothings gonna happen" Izuku said giving her soon to be husband a smile "Now let's go home, I'm tired" she said letting out a small yawn.

Katsuki stared at her in awe when she yawned 'Oh fuck her yawns are so fucking adorable!' "Yeah, yeah let's go home" he said standing up and helping Izuku as they walk out the shop and walk over to Katsukis car, get in, and drive back to Izukus perants house.

(Guess I'll talk about what's happening the next five weeks, sorry if it's boring)

Katsuki and Izuku finally got Mikei to talk and he told them that he was planning on asking Momo out on a date but was to scared because he thinks she doesn't like him but that's bullshit both Katsuki and Izuku know that Momo likes him.

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