In The Love God, Robbie shows Mabel that he is happy with his new relationship by showing her the stitched heart on his hoodie. This made me realize why the stitched heart represents Robbie. First, he had a heart (The Time Traveler's Pig.) Then, his heart was broken (Boyz Crazy.) Now, his heart has been stitched back together (The Love God) by an outside source (the Love God and Mabel.) With this explanation in place, it opens up a world of new possibilities about Bill Cipher's Wheel.
Let's go around the wheel and see what we can deduce about the other symbols in this new light.
The shooting star is first. We know it to be Mabel. This one was a little tricky. Shooting stars are bright, they are always moving, but then they disappear. As per Dipper's own admission, Mabel tends to look on the "bright" side of things. She has the attention span of a puppy, so she can't sit still for long. And Vailskibum94 made a theory a while back that Mabel might disappear in the future. It's entirely possible.
Our next stop is the llama. Although we don't know what the llama represents yet, this gives more weight to Larry King's head's vague quote, "Llamas are nature's greatest warriors." I would say Manly Dan, not only because he is the greatest warrior in Gravity Falls, but also because he is a lumberjack, and lumberjacks work with nature.
Then we have the six-fingered hand. This lends itself well to the theories about gaining and losing fingers in Gravity Falls. We know that, due to character design choices, some characters have five fingers and others have four. But lots of people believe that the extra finger means something. They say it's possible in Gravity Falls to gain (or lose!) a finger. Be sure to count fingers often. I would say the author used to have six fingers, but lost one somehow.
The star above the Tent of Telepathy was next. The best I could come up with is that it had something to do with Bill. Bill is a triangle with an eye in the middle. This image (or so I thought) had six points. Take a six pointed star apart and you get two triangles: one right side up, and one upside down. But then I realized it only had five points. But while staring at Bill, I realized: he has a top hat, two arms, and two legs, in roughly the same places as those points. Bill may be watching Gravity Falls, but in the first season, so is Gideon (through his Gideon pins.) That's what I think the connection is.
Ah, the pine tree. A lone pine tree. As I previously mentioned, Vailskibum94 has a theory based off the "lone pine" and the "twin Pines" that Mabel will disappear in a future episode. After this, I would not be surprised. Dipper is a pine tree in other ways too. For example, even when all his friends and family give up, he keeps going (save for Gideon Rises.) While all the other trees lose their leaves in winter, pine trees keep them year-round. Pine trees stand alone, above many other trees. This is shown in Dipper vs Manliness when Dipper stands alone against the manotaurs.
Next we have the fez symbol. We know for a fact it represents Grunkle Stan. (In Dreamscaperers when the wheel is briefly shown in the journal, the fez symbol is changed. We believe the change in symbols to be a result of copyright laws.) Both symbols vaguely resemble a fish. Now, thanks to the online game "Mystery Shack Mystery?" we know that Stan keeps a banner in the shack. If you roll your mouse over it, it says "The Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel." Stan is probably in a secret society of that name. Mackerels are a type of fish. Stan also could be considered a "big fish" because he is "large and in charge" at the Mystery Shack.
Next is the ice bag. This is a toss-up symbol; however, I now believe it does in fact represent Wendy. People who believe this theory say that she's "cool," and point out that ice is involved in all of the earliest Dipper/Wendy subplots. Other theorists dismissed the theory because instead of looking at the person and figuring out why they fit the symbol, they looked at the symbol and tried to figure out why it fit the person. But in light of The Love God, I would say that is actually a valid strategy for figuring out this wheel.
The question mark, who we already know is Soos. Soos actually fits the question mark quite well. Sometimes he looks like the dumbest person on the planet, but other times he looks like the smartest. We know he's hiding some secrets. The question is, how much does he know? And that is a big question mark.
Finally we come to the glasses. Until I can come up with a better theory, I hold to my belief that the glasses represent Stanley Pines. But this puts a hole in Bill's Wheel: why would Stanley have two symbols? My answer is that the six-fingered hand represents McGucket, who either had six fingers at some point, or was so involved with the making of the journals that Alex put him as the six-fingered hand just to throw us off.
Anyway, the glasses seem to have been kept in the secret room roughly since it was vacated. They seem to be the only remnant of Stanley left in our universe. The glasses may also represent seeing better, as in mankind seeing the universe around us better... through the portal! In that light, it's even possible that the six-fingered hand represents Stanley and the glasses represent McGucket.
That's a lot to take in. And, if this theory was confusing to you, don't panic.
Gravity Falls' Theories