The Windows on 'Not What He Seems'

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I just saw this and....


All the windows the agents break through on Not What He Seems are Triangle-Shaped Bill Cipher.

This could potentially symbolize something....

Possibly why Bill Cipher wasn't in the episode.

Like... when the portal broke, he broke.. just think about it. I'm probably gonna need some help with this theory, so if you have any ideas.

The reason why I think he was gonna be in it was because at the end of a Mansion Noir a tapistry hung showing Bill in the middle of a blood red sky and people worshipping him and...

You get the point.

Oh wow!

If you look closely, on the outside of the shack there is a yellow sign in the episode, which looks like a regular 'Yielding' sign but with a question mark. That kinduv says "where's the triangle guy?" I was just like wow.

At first when you see it you look over it.. but if you really think about it....


Next chapter in a few my lovelies !

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