Bill and Gompers

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I know this is crazy but I did a bit of research and I found this video on this theory. Think about it. Gompers is always there when anything big happens like when dipper found the journal. How would bill know all the important stuff ? With hiding in plain sight of course. It had to be someone whos mostly there but people dont pay him much attenton. Who could that be? Why, a goat that's always in random places of corse! Gompers. Also the video did not cover that gompers eyes on their sides look exactly like bill's one eye. Whenever Bill changes form the eyes on his host are the same on him. For example : When Bill takes over Dippers body.

Update- I squirmed in my seat when Ford gave Gompers that drive. Gompers didn't even eat it, he just ran off. What if he gives it to the government and they came back? Knowing it was just a cover up? Freakin bill fml.

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