Dipper is Trans*

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- he and Mabel all identical twins, to be identical twins, you have to be the same gender as your sibling. (Boy, boy. Girl, girl.)

- Dipper isn't his real name. (Maybe is Dipianna???)

- He wore a shirt to the pool

- he gets upset when he has to do "girly" stuff.

- He's always liked the name "Tyrone" (a manly sounding name)

- He's insecure about his voice

- He gets upset when he's not being called a man in multiple episodes


What do you guys think about this one?


I think it's because of something called puberty.


Who just sits down and comes up with this?


If sorry if I offended anyone. This theory isn't mine.


It could be possible, but I don't know.


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Sorry about shameless the promo thx ily

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