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December 31, 2014

"Boys, you're on in ten!"

The boys and I nodded and I leaned my head on Beth's shoulder. It's been a few months since that gig surprise, and we were better than never. It hadn't been easy on us, because my trust on her couldn't be restored just like that. The fact that she had apologized and admitted to love me, that didn't mean I could forget. But we were working on it together. She had proved to me I could trust her again, but she'd never forced something on me. She'd regained my trust by the little things that proved her love for me and her endless patience. She waited patiently for me to forgive her and trust her completely again, and for that I was grateful.

And we were happier than ever. We were stronger than ever.

Robert de Ville was officially in prison, charged with stuff like fraud and other things I couldn't even think about because they gave me a headache. The important thing was, he was in prison for a while. Oliver was free, but with a restraining order. We were free of them for a while, at least. No more problems.

The last few months had been hectic. The boys and I had released our forth album, we were starting our new tour in February and we had filmed two new music videos. I swear this was the best year of my life so far. The songs I'd written during summer, with and without Beth around, were on the new album, and I couldn't be more proud of them.

Today was New Year's Eve, and we were performing one of the new songs, Fool's Gold, which was a surprise I had planned for Beth. We were also performing Steal My Girl, Night Changes, Story of My Life and for last, Act my Age.

"Are you nervous?" Beth's voice pulled me from my thoughts, making me lift my head from her shoulder and peck her on the lips softly.

"A little bit." I admitted. "But it'll be gone as soon as I step on stage, as always. You're my lucky charm."

She scrunched up her nose, making a silly face at my cheesiness. I laughed, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Ugh, enough of that, you two!" Louis complained, smacking me on the back of my head; I glared at him, or tried would be more exact, because I was pretty sure I looked as threatening as a kitten with that silly smile on my lips. The boys could complain as much as they wanted, it wouldn't stop me from kissing my girl whenever I wanted.

Louis just shook his head, a proud smile creeping its way onto his lips. I smiled back at him, a silent communication going on between us. I knew he was happy for me and that made me happy. He'd find his 'Beth' too, soon, I just knew it.

"Boys, it's time!"

Beth walked with us until we reached the stage, and then she stayed behind, pecking me one last time on the lips for good luck.

"Hello, we're One Direction! Happy New Year!" Liam introduced us, as soon as we reached the five mics waiting for us. "This is Story of My Life!"

We sang that one, and then Steal My Girl - which was presented by Niall -, Night Changes - introduced by Louis -, and then, finally, it was my turn to intruduce Fool's Gold.

"Hello, I'm Harry!" I waved and smiled at the screaming fans and waited patiently for them to calm down a bit before resuming my speech. "I wish you all a Happy New Year, and I hope all your dreams come true! I honestly can't ask for more right now. I have my lovely girlfriend, and an amazing family, and the best mates and brothers I could've asked for!" All the boys faked wiping tears or awed. I laughed with them before continuing. "This has been the best year of my life, and I can only hope 2015 to be the same or even better!"

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