Chapter 18

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"What did you do?" my voice cracked at the last word. "What did you do?!"

Oliver just stared at me with s mug smile. I lost it and slapped him hard before storming back to the bus, where I found chaos.

Louis was sat on the couch, on the same spot where I'd left him, but he had his hands in his head, desperation and shock written all over his face. Harry's eyes moved from the TV to Louis, clearly not knowing what to do. Liam was shouting on the phone, Zayn was pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair. Niall was trying to calm Louis down, whispering soft words to him.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice coming out stronger than I felt.

Harry looked at me, hesitation clear in his eyes.

"What happened" Louis snapped, his face scaring the hell out of me. "is that the truth about Eleanor and I came out. Everyone knows that our relationship is fake."

I blinked.

"Excuse me?"

Louis sighed and closed his eyes for a second before getting up and starting to pace along with Zayn.

"Eleanor and I started dating a couple years ago." he started. "At first it was our decision, we were really in love. And it was real at first, but then... I guess we fell out of love, if I could say that. We fought all the time, we started to really hate each other at some point. We decided it was for the best if we broke up, but management wouldn't let me."

I was confused.

"You mean you and Eleanor couldn't break up because of your management?"

Louis nodded, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Greg especially flipped when I told them I had broken up with her. He told me that Elounor had become such a huge deal for our fans, such a good example of a relationship for them, that we couldn't just separate. Greg had a meeting with El and I, and we decided to stay together for a year more, even though our relationship was purely for the public and our fans. It was all an illusion. We stopped loving each other. El is even seeing someone. Our relationship is strictly business."

"Eleanor agreed?" I asked, atonished.

"Management was paying her, of course, so she agreed. The deal was for us to stay together for a year more until they could find a way to prepare our fans for the actual break up."

I remembered a while ago, when I had been looking through Twitter, some fans were saying that it was only a matter of time before Elounor split because of Louis' busy schedule and distance keeping them apart for so long. Now it all made sense.

How didn't I see it before? How did Oliver found out?

"I'm sorry." I said, without thinking.

They all started at me, confused.

"What are you sorry for?" Niall asked. "It's not like you gave it up to the media."

I didn't, but that doesn't mean I had nothing to do with this whole mess in the first place.

"Greg is pissed." Liam annouced, putting his phone back in his pocket. I thanked him mentally for saving me.

"So are we." Zayn spit, shaking his head.

"God, Twitter's on fire." Niall piped in, his phone in his hand.

Louis groaned and threw his arms in the air.

"I'm so fucked."

Niall cringed at something on his phone and then turned it off, putting it on the couch.

"This is just a phase. It'll pass eventually, as always." Harry tried to rationalize things. "The fans are pissed because we kept this all a secret, but they'll forget sooner or later."

"Maybe." Liam said. "Or maybe this time everyone'll get sick of us."

"Don't say that." Niall replied. "Our fans wouldn't do that."

"They would." Zayn shook his head, a sad look on his eyes. "Even they get tired sometimes, Niall. They can't put up with our shit forever, ya know?"

"What are you trying to say?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows, upset. "You think they'll stop being fans just because we're not perfect? They already know that, they've known that since the beginning!"

"It's not that we're not perfect, dammit, it's the fact that we've lied to them! This is serious." Liam spoke up, his voice rising.

"Yeah, it is serious." Niall got up and joined the rest of the boys. "But that doesn't mean they'll give up on us!"

"Well, this will have to end someday!" Liam shouted. "I think it's better if we end it on a happy note, instead of a ruined reputation and disappointed fans."

"Woah, there, drama queens!" I raised my voice above the chaos that burst after that, making them all turn their heads in my direction, surprised. "I think you all need some fresh air before you start bitting your heads off of each other."

Zayn sighed and rubbed his forehead with the hell of his hand.

"Beth's right." he said. "Let's get some air, okay? We'll figure this out later."

The other boys nodded and started to leave, until there was no one else left but Harry and I.

"Come here." I opened my arms and he let me wrap them around him. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." He murmured, his head buried in the crook of my neck. His voice was raspier than usual due to his sore throat, which reminded me that he should be in bed.

"Come on, let's get you into bed." I said, pulling away and taking his hand, leading him to his bunk. He didn't protest when I tucked him in, making sure he had a bottle of water and everything he needed before turning to leave.

His hand curled around my wrist the second I turned away, stopping me.

"Stay." he croaked, his voice breaking.

I didn't have the heart to say no; sighing, I climbled in, making myself comfortable next to him. Harry relaxed and closed his eyes, putting an arm over my waist and pulling me closer so that the tips of our noses were brushing.

I could almost see the throughts running around inside his head; he had his eyebrows slightly furrowed. Harry was overthinking things, and I better than anyone knew that that wasn't good.

I needed to distract him, so I said the first thing that popped into my head.

"A car crash." I whispered, my voice only loud enough for both of us to hear.

He opened his eyes, a frown set on his features. He moved back slightly, so that he could see me properly.


I bit the inside of my cheek. Well, at least that got his attention. Might as well finish.

I ignored the panic and pain starting to rise on my chest. I trusted him, he was the only person that had me wanting to tell this story in the last six years. It hurt talking about it, but I had to.

No, I wanted to. I've kept this to myself for six years. It was time I accepted Mira's advice I talked about it with someone. I was glad it was Harry.

"You asked where I got the scars on my legs." I replied, quietly, my eyes never leaving his. "It was in a car crash."



It's almost over. A couple more chapters and an epilogue, and that's it. I still have some surprises up on my sleeve, though.

Thank you for reading, my lovely cupcakes, you are the best! Don't forget to comment. Also if you have any questions about FGB or just want to talk, you can reach me anytime you want, I'll reply! :)

Love x

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