Chapter 20

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Sometimes there's this moment in life when you just know it's hopeless.

Everything I'd done in the last three months was hopeless. I knew this was going to end badly, I knew where I was getting myself into. I knew I shouldn't like them, I knew I shouldn't have fallen in love with him. And yet I did it anyways.

I had tried to fix things, I had tried to stop it. Without knowing it was already too late, I tried to fight them. But the harm was done. There was nothing we could do to stop de Ville.

Except one thing.

This was the moment I knew the end was near. In fact, it was barely two hours away.

I was only half-listening to what Max was saying to me on the phone, because I was trying to find a way to tell them. To come clean. I knew it was the only way to stop this madness. If the boys pressed charges against their own management, police would be involved immediately. It was too late for me and Max to do anything, but it might not be too late for them.

If they knew everything, de Ville and everyone with him might get caught in time, before doing anything else to hurt the boys.

Telling them the truth might save them, even if it meant that I would lose them. This was our last chance.

I turned off the phone with a heavy heart, Max saying goodbye with words of encouragement. He agreed it was the best thing to do. I barely registered I was walking towards the room where I knew the boys were waiting before going on stage. I would wait for the end of the concert before telling them.

And in the meanwhile, I was going to act as normal as I could.

"Hi, love."

My heart clenched at the sound of his voice; I needed a moment to remember where I was, and then I looked up with a fake smile.

"Hi." I whispered back, meeting those amazing green eyes.

"I thought you were going to wait with Paul and Alex." Harry said, wraping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

I shruged, blinking innocently.

"I wanted to see you."

He smiled before leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead. Only then did I notice the other boys behind us, and I smiled. Zayn winked at me knowingly, making me blush and stare at my feet.

"Boys, you're on in five." I looked up again and saw Paul appear around the corner, joining us. The other boys started to move away, giving me and Harry space, which I appreciated. They followed Paul until they were all out of sight.

"I'll see you soon, okay? Stay safe." Harry whispered, before leaning in; he hesitated, searching for permission, before attaching his lips with mine for a brief kiss.

"I should be saying that, you're the one who's clumsy." I whispered back, jokingly, when we pulled apart.

"Very funny." He replied, rolling his eyes, before pecking me once more and running off to do his job.

The concert lasted almost two hours, but I enjoyed every second. It felt different, though, more special; maybe because it was the last time I could be like this, watching them this close, or maybe because they were performing in the UK, their home. It felt special.

And then it was over. I followed Paul to meet the boys backstage. Niall was the first to see me and he hugged me so tightly I thought he would crush my lungs. Then came Louis and Liam, hugging me and spinning me around, laughing. Zayn came in next, still singing at the top of his lungs.

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