Chapter 6

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        HARRY'S POV

         Management meetings were the boring stuff.

         I could handle interviews, concerts, fan meetings and greets, signings, photoshoots, premieres, recordings, anything. But management meetings were hell. Not that they weren't important, because they obviously were. But sitting in a room for hours discussing and planning every single detail of our year was hard to handle.

         Especially with a hungover.

       So today was one of those rare moments when I wished I could just stay in bed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. But sometimes it's just too much. We're not made of steel, we're only human. And I did bring the hungover part over myself, so it was my fault I was not in a especially cheery mood today.

      My mood was far from being the worst, though. Louis could barely take a few steps straight without wincing in pain from the headache I was pretty sure he had. Liam looked tired, but smiled anyway. Niall didn't even bother to take his sunglasses off to mutter a weak 'good morning' to us. Zayn was behaving like normal Zayn, still slightly sleepy at 9 in the morning.

     The meeting started like usual: Greg, the head of management, told us every single little thing that we had done wrong in the past months, pointing out the bad things that they would do to our career/image. He would speak about the most random stuff, like something we had spoken in an interview, something we had worn, somewhere we had gone, things we had posted on Twitter. Anything. And then he finished his little speech with the words me and the boys knew by heart by now.

      "You do know that we only do this for you. For your own good. For the good of this company, for the good of your fans."

    Me, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam all mouthed the words along with him. I almost couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

      "Mr. Styles." I jumped in my seat, caught completely off guard by Greg's voice. I was so zoned out because I already knew the usual script that I had completely let myself get distracted.

     "I'm sorry." I murmured, embarassed. What the hell was wrong with me? I couldn't focus, and it wasn't just the killer headache from the hungover. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, what had been creeping from the back of my mind for weeks now. I knew its name, though. Beth. 

      I sighed, trying to focus on the meeting. After almost three hours of lectures, deciding on dates, countries to go on tour and stuff like that, we were released for the rest of the day. I smiled, relieved. I finally had time to go visit my family before going on tour, and I could tell the lads were feeling the same way. Except Niall, probably, since he couldn't go to Ireland that easily. Greg told us we had a couple of days before going on tour, and the first thing I did before getting in my car and head to Holmes Chapel, was seeing Beth one last time.


        I could tell she was cooking even before I knocked on her flat door. I smiled and kissed her on the cheek when she opened the door, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head and a green apron tied around her neck and waist.

      "Hi!" she smiled back, before heading for the kitchen. "I thought you were in a meeting?" She kind of asked, while I followed her.

        "We were, until like fifteen minutes ago."

        She was making lunch, and the smell itself made my mouth water.

     "Greg gave us a few days off before we leave on tour. The boys are probably driving out of London to meet their families."

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